Our double experience, skill exp, and pet experience was running throughout the day, which meant that Galahad got his horse to level 37 by mid-afternoon; he then had to get a new pan flute from RedRackham, whose drake was in level 34 by then, and take it to Lorraine and Jajan to get himself a brand-new pony. It didn't take that one long to get through its initial levels, though the increase in Sympathy was no quicker than usual. The overnight pet-levelling had worked reasonably well, with perhaps about an hour lost to a ks-er coming along and killing the Berserker.
I managed to get my preparations for tomorrow just about complete by mid-morning, so that the original Cariae-based Kaerella was able to fit in about an hour in Maargadum Jail, on level three, without any interruptions, except for turning the oven on for lunch. Experience gain isn't very quick there, so 6.64%, at double speed, was all Kae managed, plus 59 skill points - and 2020 pet points.
Both pet-levellers were on duty over lunch of course, but then, with Galahad continuing, to finish that last level for his horse, it was time for some Katar-server action with my level 25 archer, that server's Kaerella.
Kae had added 24% experience at the "Epic Event" last night, so was on 98.50% of the way through her level - so the first thing to do was to go to Prokion Temple on Katar-5 and die 33 times, losing 3% experience each time, to get her back to the start of the level again. Then, it was a matter of running to a room with some Orc Soldiers, and settling in to kill them, plus the local Mummies when there was nothing else to target.
I joined a solo party, and when conversation turned to prices of weapons etc, I mentioned that I was on the lookout for a 30/32 +10 armour set; one of the high-level members, SweetAngeL, did volunteer to give me her old set once she had finished her Tomb session, but sadly when she left the party a couple of hours later, she'd forgotten that particular idea.
Anyway, my second journey through level 25 brought me in 330 more skill points, meaning that I could get the final three 100-sp levels of Resurrection; any level will bring a party member back to life, but higher levels reduce the experience loss from the death. By the time I logged out, Kae had gone up by 106.82%, and added 356 skill points, of which I spent all but 2. With the double pet experience, Kae's dragon hatchling had added three levels, reaching level 12, so next time would be able to offer a usefully increased armour buff.
After the early evening food break, I decided that the Katar Kaerella ought to earn some gold, so went out into Juno hoping to do some pumpkin-farming. My favourite spot a little south of Velpist Temple was already being used by someone, unsurprisingly, but I found a place a little north of the Temple, on the way towards the "Mad Monster Spawn" location, and settled in there - and the people wearing the pumpkin headgear who came by were all polite and didn't try to take over. Towards the end of my session a rogue did stay within sight, just fighting the local Treants, and when I finally got my fiftieth pumpkin, I announced that that was my lot, and presumably she took over.
Strangely enough, although while I was level 25 in Prokion Temple the Orc Fighters, also that level, refused to drop Empty Baskets, and Zenderfly confirmed my feeling that you had to fight monsters above your level to get them dropped, the Treants, at level 26 now the same level as Kae, dropped them quite generously, and I ended up with almost as many of them as of the pumpkins. Experience and skill exp gain was a lot slower than in Prokion, with Kae moving up by 22.22% and 76 skill points, but at least the hatchling added another level, to reach 13.
I had a quick look around Katar-1's Randol merchants, and found that the pumpkins seemed to be selling more cheaply than I had expected, given the chance of getting five lucky scrolls, five effort scrolls, or five moonstones from them, or a heaven stone. One seller had almost 200 of them at 390,000 gold each, and someone else was selling them at 300,000 - I would have expected them to be worth at least half a million. The best price for the Hallowe'en candies I saw was 150,000 each, which seemed a little high, given that, if you get the levels right, the necessary empty baskets are an easy enough drop to get.
LordDarkzer, guild master of the guild Kae is in there, DarkzerRoughneks, is planning to get the guild involved with guild wars, preferably a straightforward battle at the Dratan arena. We'll have to see what is arranged, though if it happens tomorrow I'll probably miss it. The guilds we are allied with are Tuathadadennon, heresy, and armyofwarriors; I did suggest we should have a "friendly" battle against one of them to start us off, but apparently two of them are too small, and the other, I think heresy, is a bit too large, though there would be nothing to stop them fielding a similar-level teaming there.
Another Maargadum "Haunted Jail" event was announced for today; it ought in theory to have started at 8:00pm UK time, probably on Katar, but for some reason it got delayed until 9:30, with the four US servers (Katar, Cariae, Hatzring, and Sarissa - not Auzura) all running it at the same time. Given that I have to get up rather early tomorrow, I decided that I ought to pass up the chance of a few more deaths.
So, it's a "busy Sunday" for me tomorrow outside Last Chaos, with only an evening session, which will be mainly perhaps an hour or so before the Quiz, and then a couple of Zombie Invasions out at Berbank Mill. I can't even take advantage of the continuing, I assume, double pet experience, as pets, even when lower in level than their trainer, do run out of food reserves after 8 hours and 20 minutes, and I'll be away about 50% longer than that. By the end of this evening though RedRackham had got his drake safely into level 35, while that new pony of Galahad's was at about 80% Sympathy, and moving bravely through level 7.