Monday, 22 June 2009

A Bonus Underused

SirDarth and SirPerivale started the day nice and early, as has become their habit; when Peri arrived at the Berserkers, there were so few Bandits and Berserkers around that I wondered if I was losing my connection, but then I saw a couple of players who had gathered all the local residents into a mob, and were fighting them over at the far side of the clearing. What my side did have was a level 50 Pandora's Beast - so Chuck got an early call to come down and deal with it, gaining 89,600 gold for his trouble. It was strange that the other two players hadn't fought it, if they could handle such a big mob of Bandits, a single Beast could have been managed, I'd have thought.

Later in the morning there was enough time for MistressDomina to head for Prokion Temple. The first "test" killing of an orc Sergeant in my favourite back room showed that the 50% extra skill exp was still running, but I decided that I'd use a pssp for a 200% bonus anyway, as I didn't want to waste the rest of level 29 on getting a lower amount of skill points than it could give me. So, the pssp's hour gave me 564 skill points, which wasn't bad as the last third of it was after I'd levelled up to level thirty, and was therefore getting less skill exp per kill - down from 16500 skill exp for a Sergeant (or 13200 for an Axeman) to 14850 (or 11550). I did as usual stay for a few more minutes, and the total number of skill points gained reached 632, alongside 42.39% experience, and 1154 pet points.

Reaching level thirty meant that MD could now, once she was back in town, learn the new skills for that level - the fourth and final level of my favourite skill, Flame Storm, increasing its "power" from 195 to 260 (its percentage of an ordinary weapon attack), plus all five levels of Nova Break, an attack with a power rating of 510, though applying only to one target, unlike Flame Storm's up to six...and Spell Focus, which increases its target's magical hit rate by 10 for five minutes. So, that was quite a serious expenditure of sp - but MistressDomina still ended the morning with 90 more of them than she started out with.

After Darth, who'd kept busy while MD was at work, and Peri had a suitably busy lunch break, it was time for - well, a short outing for LordElpus again, to make use of the 50% extra skill exp just a tiny bit. He did at least complete that Wolf Tooth quest, and reached level five. I then briefly switched to MistressSabina, and put LordElpus, and the other characters of mine in her guild, onto 50% experience donation.

So, that was a very small use of the skill exp bonus, but after that it was time for Rage and Chuck to head out to the Sphinx types, where there isn't very much skill exp to apply that 50% bonus to. By the time that my food break came along, Rage had added 12.53%, and Chuck had nabbed 16.41%; Rage had got 19 skill points to Chuck's 17, mainly I think because some of her kills were out of range of him. Rage's pet horse had added 1145 pet points. There was a knight who was around briefly, and took a rather long time to kill the Elite Speer Man while I kindly removed the other Fighters and Speer Men that respawned too near him, but my main companion was the mage Wortex, who asked me to leave the Sphinx Fighter nearest to the tents for her - so I did.

The evening session was slightly delayed while I struggled unsuccessfully to get the online backup service "Carbonite" installed, but then the dynamic duo returned to the Sphinx types. The rogue Albatross1 was the main other player, and seemed to do pretty well, running a three-hour Blessed Iris. I see she has a white dragon, which makes a pretty dramatic way to make an entry or exit.

Ratel was in Maargadum Jail tonight, though I did mention that it would be best not to grind there too much at the moment, as there is a distinct probability that the place's monsters could get their skill exp boosted before long, to get more in line with Prokion Temple, He was chatting with a level 40-ish rogue there who was talking about joining Norcaine, but she might just have been joking. Is there really a level 20 guild out there that has been just about abandoned? It would take an awful lot of skill points and guild points, and gold, to get that far, and there really doesn't seem to be any benefit to going beyond about level 11 with a guild.

By the end of the session, with the Combat party running, Chuck had gained just 9.43%, but Rage had added 20.60% - Chuck is still nearer to his next level. though he is still relying on Rage's old armour having its cover wear off before he can change to his new titan armour, after Collector Ryu has done his work, so he is not entirely in a hurry yet. Rage had added 23 skill points to Chuck's 22, due to sometimes having to fight out of range of him, and Rage's horse added another 1434 pet the horse isn't 30% of the way through level 36 yet.

That horse is still ahead of the replacement drake for Rage that Peri is working on, which should end the day about halfway through level 35, but the gap is closing fast. Once they are both level 36, they may as well be swapped over, and then Peri will be able to finish getting that horse to level 37, to be a suitably deluxe mount. Perhaps Peri might get a little time off after that, waiting for Darth's current horse to reach level 31, so that it will be able to give him the maximum Armour Increase buff, which Peri does need if he is to fight Berserkers... Darth got the horse to level 25, just on ten o'clock this evening UK time.

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