Wednesday, 8 July 2009

He Died With His Helm On

My pair of valiant pet-levellers started their work today nice and early, but at one point during the morning when I checked back on their progress, poor SirPerivale was lying there dead, in his underwear! I had rather assumed that the armour "covers", such as the school uniforms some of my characters got from the "rock paper scissors" Wendy Bear event, expired between sessions, so that one just got a "has expired" notice next time one logged that character in, but apparently, when the 30 days are up, wham, the cover vanishes - and as in theory it is the cover rather than the armour you have equipped, there you are in mid-battle, without any armour. Except, with the cover sets that don't include a head covering, for one's invisible helmet.

Well, pet levellers need the occasional death to stop them gaining too much experience and levelling up, and Berserkers aren't pet-eaters, so Peri's horse was unhurt. Peri only has 2 unused skill points, so they weren't effected. The plan is to boost SirPerivale's armour from +3 to +4 so that he can continue to pet-level on Berserkers when the pet is high enough, but at the moment, since SirDarth's assorted pets aren't too low, Darth has been able to exchange helms with Peri, giving him, with the four pieces of +3 armour and Darth's shield, 1043 defence, which is 48 more than he had yesterday.

SirDarth continued to work on SmokeinTheKush's pony, and then horse, until it reached level 20 after tea, at which point Smokey took it back to give me a break and level it up a bit the level 26 drake had a chance for some fresh air, and to recover some of its Sympathy, which had fallen to 85%.

There wasn't a chance for an active late morning session today, so it was after lunch when MistressDomina made her usual journey out to Prokion Temple on Auzura-4. MD has run out of skill pills now, so it was just a matter of slogging along at a normal rate. Strangely, after not getting any armour drops since she reached level 33, this time there were quite a number of them...mainly boots of course, either level 32 or 37.

It's nice not to have to rush every minute, because an expensive boost is counting down; so Smokey's fairly frequent questions about how the levelling was coming along didn't disrupt the flow. Anyway, after the usual mob-flaming, I can report that MistressDomina added 13.13%, and 214 skill points, as well as picking up a few more Stars and Stripes - luckily that event has been renewed for a second week - as well as the occasional moonstone box. MD's drake reached level 32 right at the end of the session, having gone up by 1189 pet points.

Over the early evening food break as usual SirPerivale was able to join in the pet-levelling too. Darth had a bit of a surprise, a Blood Frenzy was next to him when I looked at his screen, and Blood Frenzies have, in the past, killed both him and his pet, which was why I moved back from my previous position, which was near enough to a group of them for a mischievous person to "pull" them onto Darth. However, it was actually a level 43 assassin-rogue called Steak, who ended the transformation scroll she had been using, and asked if I'd seen the Grand Red Dragon - to which the answer was, not since last night.

As with most Wednesdays, I had to log out early, so, after the routine stuff there wasn't really time to do anything very dramatic, so, as it seemed like a good idea to give Rage some online time, my rogue gave herself horse buffs in Dratan City, used a memory scroll to move to the entrance to the Forgotten Temple, and ran through to its far end, past the Barren Eise to the Blood Terrain.

It wasn't that I wanted to tackle a level 75 boss monster about twenty times my height, my previous exploration had found it quite a useful place to fight Jumping Devils one by one, which at level 72 give reasonable skill exp, as well as a bit of experience. Steve's level 21 Norcaine archer, GuildHealer, had joined the party, and, as with Ratel a few days back, I invited her to join me just to see the place, using my Party Recall.

Ratel had been pretty wary, and unfortunately not moved far enough forward to see the boss, leaving fairly promptly, but GuildHealer, less than half his level, didn't have much to lose, and so was happy to stick around, and indeed to try to run back to see the other boss, the level 73 Barren Eise... and when a Legendary Slayer managed to do to her what it was legendary for, to start running back from the start through the spiders, which aren't aggressive but are protective... so there were a couple of deaths notched up for her.

She did try to persuade me to fight the Blood Terrain, but I couldn't really see the point; maybe when I am exactly its level. She was suggesting bringing in a friend of about level 83, but that would perhaps have been overkill, and anyway she then found she had to leave. She can't have got much experience, being well and truly capped by the 49 level difference, but she got some cash at least, and did get a good look around the place.

One Jumping Devil did drop a pair of titan-type Mammoth Boots for me, which rather got my hopes up, but those are the level 67 ones, which Bogles also drop, and not rare. The hard-to-find level 62 ones are apparently sometimes dropped by the level 69 Curd Hadians, while the level 68 Legendary Slayers can drop the equally-desirable level 57 ones. If Aeria Games gets round to increasing the skill experience in the Forgotten Temple, so that the place gets busy, both those levels of boots are liable to get a little more common.

SirDarth kept on levelling his drake; it was originally intended to be the replacement for the one LordElpus gave up, but has rather got past that level, and reached level 27 this evening, with 100% Sympathy re-established. SirPerivale has managed to get his horse at least a quarter of the way through level 35, as well...

Outside the World of Iris, I've had to put in a "contact us" form about a package of item drop boosters, and related stuff, called the "Loot Seeker Monday Special", that I bought from the Web Mall but which never reached the appropriate character's in-game "Records" section. I don't know how long that will take to sort out, but eventually I should get an email asking for more information. There's a screenshot/caption contest thread running on the forum, too, and I've posted a few pictures there with appropriate captions. They gave a link to the "Parody Motivation Generator", to make the pictures and captions look their best, and some of the entries people have posted are rather fun. I don't think there is any prize, but you never can tell!

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