SirPerivale tirelessly levelled his drake through the night, gaining three levels, and was joined in Merac bright and early by CaptainScarlet, so that all went pretty smoothly. I did give them a little time off before coffee, to move some items around, including getting MrChuckNorris the 65/67 armour set and level 65 +15 weapon, which he converted from rogue equipment to titan for a little under two million gold. And very smart he looked in the new armour, too. Old sets were transferred by Chuck and MistressDomina across to MistressFelicia, who looks after those types of thing.
While she was online, MD, as acting Norcaine guild master, unfroze SirDarth's experience gain, so that after coffee, the plan was to team him up again with MistressBlaze in Prokion Temple. MB tried the Auzura-3 sub-server first, and luck was with us, the room we needed was empty, so SirDarth hurried to join her. With a "solo party", with Darth out of range, at level 36 MistressBlaze gets 550 skill exp from an Orc Axeman, and three times that from an Orc Sergeant - it's significantly more when he is in the room, and the experience gain is greatly increased, perhaps by a factor of five.
We must have managed to fit in over two hours of Orc-flaming, and only had one visitor, a rogue called Come2Me, who when she saw how well MB was dominating the room, kindly left to farm her sp elsewhere. MistressBlaze added 25.71% experience, and 166 skill points; his late arrival meant SirDarth got one skill point less, but added 170.57% to his experience, getting him comfortably into level 26. Once they had logged out, Discipline's guild master, MistressSabina, logged in briefly to set MB's experience gain to 50%, since her current level seems rather handy for teaming with Darth - and besides, Discipline needs the guild points.
For the afternoon, I had decided to do what we had done before - team MistressDomina, now that she is back within fifteen levels of him, with Chuck, and take them both to Egeha, and farm the Bogles. MD used a Blessed Iris for three hours of double experience, and Chuck used a 30% experience boosting elixir for the same period.
I have long suspected that titans aren't the brightest of people, and I'm afraid Chuck rather proved that. He was wearing his new armour, and had handed the previous set over to MistressFelicia - but he is only level 61, so wearing the new boots and headgear gave him a 50% penalty to his total defence stat, since they are level 67 and you can only wear, without penalty, armour five levels above your own level! I was wondering why, when his stun skill, Smite, failed, he was taking so much damage, sigh. So MD logged out, and Felicia logged back in, borrowed some gold from CaptainScarlet, who luckily had enough for the "ticket" to Egeha, and met Chuck in town, trading across his old headgear and boots. Then MD had to log back in and travel to Egeha again, so at 800,000 gold a time it was getting a bit expensive.
MistressDomina herself almost got killed when she clicked on a Bogle and attacked it by mistake - I think her health went down to 18, in fact. Luckily nobody clicked on the Grand Gold Dragon, which put in regular "arrivals" every thirteen of fourteen minutes, from 1:25pm, UK time, up to 4:24 - thirteen in all, for some reason she must have gone elsewhere in Egeha at 2:20! It just shows how quiet that map is, these days. Even with that 30% boost, Chuck only gained 12.25% for the session, and 14 skill points; again, MD was one behind on the skill point front, but added a more substantial 74.27% experience. And Chuck's drake got 1188 pet points.
SirPerivale's drake reached level 22 during the early evening food break - and at about the same time CaptainScarlet reached the halfway point in the white horse's 36th and final level.
Ratel had come online just as I was about to vanish to get some food, so I stayed around long enough to help him transfer some items between characters. Once I was back, though, we decided to team up against the Sphinx Fighters and Sphinx Speer Men again, for the three hours a Blessed Iris would last. Once we were out in the Dratan grasslands I looked to see if he'd started his BI, and noticed that he was using a 30% boost experience potion as well, so I used one too.
We had the place to ourselves, basically; later on a rogue called Flashpoint asked to join the party, but was just too low a level and was "capped" by Ratty being level 49. After a minute of fighting with us from outside the party, she decided to leave. Generally Ratel would either teleport a Sphinx type to him to fight, or just attack; I'd normally use Curse, so that if, as seemed likely, it turned its attention to me, it would at least move slowly, giving time for Terra Spear etc, and Ratel's continuing attacks. His shield-using stun was very handy, as was his ability sometimes to teleport the monster away if it had been chasing after me.
One later visitor was the raid boss Kamira, who doesn't often get lured to that spot, usually people are busy with Harpies or Sand Golems or Poison Mists, etc, and they get the "arrival". Knowing our limitations, it seemed a good idea for me to change to Rage and kill her, just to get her out of the way. So, MD logged out, and Rage logged in and teleported across. Kamira went down pretty easily - she didn't drop any rare item, but there were the usual moonstones, lucky scrolls, medal of honour, crystal or experience (greater), and so on.
MistressDomina hurried back, by which time Ratel had soloed the Elite Sphinx Speer Man a couple of times, using rather a lot of pots, and we continued for the final 15 minutes. Ratel ended up with still 20% or so to go for his next level - and mentioned that he had hoped to reach level 50 on his birthday. Nice that he should choose to spend time on such a day teamed up with me... Anyway, MistressDomina added 112.70%, getting well into level 48, plus 4 skill points and 1150 pet points. Ratel is certainly a quicker attacker than Chuck, as Chuck generally had to wait for his Smite skill to recharge - and of course MD didn't help him in the way she assisted Ratel.
Back in town, there were skills to learn - 820 skill points got invested, in all. The passive skill Mage Armour 2 (a single level) increased MD's mana regeneration rate by 2 per 2.5 seconds, while the attack skills Fear and Freeze Arrow had five levels each to learn - Fear causes nearby monsters to turn and flee for 5 seconds (with a 90% success rate apparently), while Freeze Arrow, with a power of 260% of a normal hit, slows down one's foe by 30% for ten seconds. That doesn't seem as useful as Curse for the slowing-down part, as Curse lasts substantially longer - they are difficult to compare as Curse slows movement by a specific amount, rather than by a percentage. Still, Freeze Arrow is a useful skill, which is more than can be said for Fear usually, I think.
About the last thing Ratel said before logging out was an enquiry about the white horse for Jacqueline, and its progress - to which I could reply that it should be ready tomorrow. It's lucky that Ratel decided we didn't need Galahad along with us at the Sphinx types, as that meant CaptainScarlet could continue the pet-levelling for that three hours or so. It will be a bit of a slightly belated birthday present. And SirPerivale's drake is well into level 22 now.
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