As expected, it was about a quarter to seven in the evening, UK time, when I was able to get the computers running, and log RedRider in on Auzura-4; the latest reprise of an Epic Event, "The Binding Process", had been under way there for about 45 minutes, but I thought I ought to look in on things, and make sure everything was going okay, so I headed out to Prokion Temple.
Luckily, yesterday's lag on Auzura wasn't repeated, and people were able to get stuck in to the many and varied monsters available, from swamp trolls to rather a lot of Patriarch Botises. I joined in, using my Snare when I could - it doesn't always work, but it's nice that a skill like that makes even a low-level rogue useful in a group attacking something a hundred levels or so higher.
The fight continued past seven, but I had to move on - and RedRyder logged in over on Katar, and headed out of Randol's north gate, where a large number of clones of Sandra, the teleporter found just outside Prokion Temple, had appeared.
Things proceeded roughly as one would expect; Red did get recruited into a party, but my first death, and respawning, separated me from the others, and I ended up fighting different monsters for most of the rest of the time. Still, things went on until at least 8:15, when it was time to get ready for the Sunday Quiz.
ColonelScarlet had logged on at the same time as RedRider, and done some pet-levelling - just enough to get his pale blue horse up to level 37, so his job is done now. Transferring it across to MistressDomino will need to wait for tomorrow, when things are a bit quieter.
Kaerella and MistressDomino went to the quiz on Katar-2 - would you believe they still haven't fixed the movement bug there? For yet another time we all had to move around by the "WSAD" keys, which basically, as far as I'm concerned, means looking in the direction you want to move, and pressing the "W" key until you get to your destination.
Everything went well, however; I thought that MD wasn't following Kae properly, before the quiz started, but once it was under way she followed perfectly, and they both got the full rewards, so next time MistressDomino has a merchanting session, she can sell some heaven stones. Just about everyone was on the correct side for the answer every time - there were a few people sitting down, and when I had a chance I did mention that doing that was a "bug exploit", and could get a player banned.
Cariae's version of the Epic Event started at nine, and [GM]Kali did actually appear outside Randol's north gate just before the teleporters spawned, and after that was in Prokion Temple - but she just stood there, not interacting with anyone, so I don't really see the point. For me it had been a long day, so I left before the end, when I got killed and for a change respawned down in the foundations of the Temple rather than in the starting area.
Sarissa started at ten, and I did briefly take the chance to let my level 10 mage Keerella and my level 7 healer Kaerella there use the teleporter to get to Prokion Temple, and then go outside to get the location onto their memory scrolls - well, it saves a couple of runs through the desert. Kae did attempt to pick up a little loot, but for her even the ghouls are deadly, so she didn't stay long.
These "Epic Events" do make a change from our normal weekly happenings, the Mad Monster Spawns, the Zombie Invasions, the Storm the Castles, but it is a pity that they don't do what they say they do; they aren't a second chance to fight alongside, or against, [GM]Beatrice, in her battles, they are just the locations that were used, and the same monster spawnings, without the plot or the main actors. Some have had GM participation, and spawnings of loot at the end to say "well done", and some, well, have just petered out.
We are back to the regular timings tomorrow for the final event, "A Shadow is Born" - that is the one that takes place in the Tomb of Theos. If teleportation to the Tomb is offered, my rogues will probably go along, but with the "normal" monsters there being so high already, giving in effect top-level adversaries who'll keep respawning, making running back to the fight for any distance impossible. it may not keep my interest long. If it was to be a true second chance to see the battle, and the tale's conclusion, I'd be tempted to let my level 101 archer on Cariae participate, but just filling the Tomb with some hard extra monsters, well, without the narrative there is no great point to it.
Anyway, we may not have got any generous loot drops today, but we participated in some fun fights against exotic monsters - and of course not only did we get through the Quiz safely, MistressDomino's horse is now ready for her at last. And that's my last "busy weekend" of the year finished with.
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