Sunday, 5 September 2010

A Juno Wedding

There is a slightly low-level "tiered spender" event going on this weekend, and to unlock the first tier, all you have to do is spend a single aeria point, so one thing I had to do this evening, once I was able to log on and log in, was go on to each account and purchase a 1 ap limited-level platinum blessed iris. Then later I had to log onto each account on the website, and grab the level one tier prize - which wasn't huge, but two platinum adrenaline and one large crit potion for just one more aeria point was well worth getting.

When I was on the appropriate account, I was able to take my rogue Memree along to the ebony mine on Katar-5, so that she could quickly die a few times, and lose her 21.76% experience in her current level. Hopefully that got her some entries in the current "Give Your Life For Iris" raffle. The monsters in there are high enough to hit pretty hard, so it didn't take long.

When seven o'clock was approaching, MistressDomina logged on, to find out if the wedding was due for seven or eight, since the guild message wasn't clear, using "gmt" when, in fact, it did mean "bst". So I moved across to Auzura-4, and was recalled to a charming spot close to Randol's moat, and a wooden bridge, and a waterfall... and the entrance to ebony mine was pretty near, too.

There were three gamesages present - Elfnastysfriend, though on a different character, Greengem593, and Hunniebeenikki, who performed the ceremony, even though the character on Auzura is only a level one knight. The bride was Sterre, and the groom was Eflyy...who I think is Elfnastysfriend's knight. The speech from Hunnie, while based loosely on a marriage ceremony, is a bit tongue-in-cheek, thankfully. Greengem593 did mention quitting, but I don't know if that involved just one character, or being a gamesage, or playing the game. It would be a shame to lose her, certainly. And yes, Elfnasty himself was there.

The quiz went smoothly on Auzura-2 for Kaerella, though there was a report of a mass disconnection elsewhere. After that, there was time for a short session with the Katar version of Kaerella, in Maargadum Jail on Katar-5. She managed to make use of the last few minutes of dungeon time, and continued for half an hour afterwards, gaining 10.02%, 42 skill points, and 324 pet points.

There should be plenty of time for playing tomorrow, anyway...and hopefully the return of a second LC-playing computer before too long.

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