Sunday, 28 November 2010

Drake Levelling

CaptainScarlet logged in on the older computer at breakfast time, and Cariae's Kaerella logged in on the newer one; Kae quickly checked on the experience/skill exp situation by killing a fox, and found that both of those were back to normal, but when CaptainScarlet reached his death mask lancer, he discovered that the double pet experience, at least, was still in action, so he popped a platinum pet experience potion and set to work. A second potion took his drake into level 49, but I didn't start a third, as I was planning to change characters within an hour - and that was just as well, as while I was having coffee he did get a disconnection, at the usual dc-vulnerable time of not long after 10:00am, UK time.

Cariae's Kaerella was followed by Barbarienne, then Auzura's Kaerella, Rage, and MistressDomina, with most of them doing a little mining to pass the time. After Cap's disconnection, Auzura's Kae went out to the Tomb of Theos to check its condition, with the idea that she and MD would go in for the eleven to twelve dungeon time "power hour" - but the Condition of the Tomb was down to 40%. MistressDomina reported that in guild chat, and MzTickle1 tried to contact the Tomb-owning guild to get it set, but they were, unfortunately, not at their keyboards. Barbarienne then checked the Cariae Tomb, as she and Cariae's Kaerella could have done some work there - but the Tomb over there was right down to 0%, maximum hard.

So, CaptainScarlet was able to return directly to Jail, this time on Auzura-6, and start another potion, while providing a solo party for MistressSabina, who headed out giant-wards. Cap got through another potion or two, including the lunch break, so his drake made good progress through level 49 - and SirGalahad also did a little pet-levelling over lunch, combined with claiming his attendance allowance, so that without any potions his pale blue horse went from level 19 to 21. He did get ks'd once, but I was checking fairly frequently, and was back in time to pick up the 343 gold that the spike canine had dropped, and then get a replacement canine into place.

MistressSabina killed some giants, and did indeed seem to be doing it more quickly, and losing less health than before, due to her new level and extra passive skill. She had picked up a new quest in Merac, though, so before the dungeon time hour had ended, she headed down into Maargadum Jail to kill some death mask soldiers. As Cap was there too, in the combat party, he gained 0.03% experience from that, and a rather small bit of skill experience. Getting the quest items didn't take Sabina long; back in the village, the Archbishop gave her 2.61% experience and 6 skill points, and referred her on to Healer Yabo in Randol, who gave her a further2.13% and 100k gold.

In all, MistressSabina gained 11.64%, 43 skill points, and 954 pet points from the morning session. Strangely, the double experience I'd seen not running on Cariae was still running on Auzura, so that Sabina still got 77,550 experience per giant. She also, with the Elizabeth's Enhancement buff running, got 2178 skill exp per kill, up from 2056 when she was a level further away from the giants. As ever, she only got that much once the thirty minutes "attendance" had been seen to, before that it was just 1980 skill exp.

The lunch break was a fairly long one, with SirGalahad and CaptainScarlet both in action; the two to three o'clock dungeon time hour was well under way by the time I checked the Tomb of Theos on Auzura-4 again, and found that it had now been reset to 100% easy. So, MistressDomina and my Auzura archer Kaerella went in, and headed for the ancient grey mummies.

The only problem was that, it being the weekend, the place was abnormally busy, so that my duo couldn't take up position in the main room, and ended up in the far corridor area, just short of the Tomb's central "swimming pool" room. Even there there were a couple of other people fighting, though they left after a while; Kae and MD both had to fight the occasional screaming zombie or infected grey mummy. By the end of a rather short afternoon session, MistressDomina had just added 0.89%, 20 skill points and 2294 pet points, while Kae had earned 1.16%, 17 skill points, and 2258 pet points, taking her drake safely into level 46.

CaptainScarlet got back into action on Auzura-6 after that, using a couple more platinum pet experience potions; he did get ks'd by a sorcerer once, but lost less than a minute, I'm sure. Another knight had been fighting a death mask soldier further along the side, but I think he had lured it from the far end, so that when he left it didn't walk back in my direction. RedRackham also logged in, with his level 4 pale blue pony; with the comparatively short levels, and the continuing double pet experience, the pony had just reached level 8 by the end of the down-time, with its sympathy rating at 92%. The knight xStrithx was there too, on Auzura-4, with the death mask soldier, so Red moved further along the side, with the lancer, to avoid problems.

While CaptainScarlet continued his work, after the food break MistressSabina logged back in, and found that the double experience was still working for her on the giants, at least on Auzura-6. So, she killed lots of giants, fitting in a number of first-level ignition runs; by the time she had to log out for the Sunday Quiz, Sabina had added another 18.65% in level 50, plus 103 skill points and 2472 pet points. There was one more ks-ing for Cap, but again it was only a minor break; using more pet potions, he'd by now got the drake into level 50, making it one of my highest-level pets.

I wasn't quite as early getting to the Sunday Quiz as usual, in the quiz room on Auzura-2, as Sabina was just coming up to qualifying for one last ignition run - but both MistressDomina and Kaerella got there with ten minutes to spare. Everything went smoothly enough; the questions were a little slow to appear, but the order had been tweaked a little so that we didn't all have to run from one side to the other too often. Once they'd got question 22 wrong and respawned outside, Kaerella traded her prizes and other recent loot to MD, and then MistressSabina did the same; then MistressDomina traded the loot to MistressDomino. MistressSabina got her next armour set from MistressFelicia, too, before CaptainScarlet logged back on and, after getting a platinum pet experience potion from MistressDomino, headed back to Jail.

RedRackham also headed to Maargadum Jail's fifth floor, though with xStrithx fighting the usual right-hand death mask soldier still, and CaptainScarlet fighting the usual death mask lancer, he had to go to the left-hand side and spar with a soldier from over there. Unfortunately, the GMs had by then noticed that yesterday's double pet experience event was still running, and it had been switched off, so progress was back to only just over a thousand pet points per hour. Still, that was enough to get Red's pony into level 9, and Cap's drake about 20% of the way into level 50.

MistressSabina had been able to clear out some accessories, when trading with MistressFelicia, so had enough room for the level 55/57 armour set. At level 50 she was able to put on the gloves at once; despite being a set higher than the previous gloves, and +13 rather than +8, the added physical defence just comes in at 60 - still, even an extra 5% helps.

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