Tuesday, 12 May 2009

An Afternoon Off

I got SirDarth and SirPerivale to work early this morning, but even on Auzura-4 the double experience, skill exp and pet points had vanished.  Ah well, all good things must come to an end, and cramming in so much playing time recently was starting to affect my daily routine. Still, it wasn't long before Hank, Ratel's pale blue horse, reached level 31, so is now technically mountable, though as usual we are aiming for level 37.

A few days ago there was an "Almost Cinco de Mayo" special tier event, where if one spent over 1000 aeria points on May 3rd or May 4th one would qualify for a special bonus "Get Lucky" package: 100 item drop boosters, 15 lucky scrolls, 5 lucky spell books, 50 chaos balls, and 10 recovery boxes.  This tempted me to spend enough points on a couple of deals; there were a couple of higher tiers too, but I didn't have enough points available to get ambitious.  The list of the qualifers was very late appearing, as there had been some problem or other, but eventually a list was posted - and only 17 people were on it, 10 for tier one, 5 for tier two, and 2 for tier 3.  And my account, Keerella, wasn't listed.

Luckily the forum thread with the list was open, and I was one of the four people who politely posted that we thought we had qualified.  The Aeria Games manager who had made the thread, aeria_ks1lent, did actually check the records, and made sure we received what we had earned, with "a little something extra for the confusion" as well - which means I have two of the "Get Lucky" packages in my records now...so full marks for customer service there.  I just suspect that, for a tier promotion lasting two days, more than 21 people would have actually qualified.

Today I didn't really have much time for actual playing, until the evening, as I was out all afternoon, but at least in the later part of the morning I was able to do some mining.  MrChuckNorris had acquired a good number of tool aids, so I bought him thirty pickaxes and took him out to the local Juno mine.  I then transferred most of the quality stones produced over to SirPerivale, who passed the time while he was waiting getting a few energies from the nearby henge.  

Then Kaerella, with the ten tool aids she had won at Sunday's Quiz, bought some of the more ladylike hammers that Geres sells, and headed out there in Chuck's stead.  She traded most of her current stock of quality, imperfect and flawed stones across to Peri, and then set to work to replace them.

Peri meanwhile was replaced by MistressDomino, who set up in merchant mode in Auzura-1 selling tool aids, item drop boosters, chaos balls, large attack & defence potions, and Easter eggs.  The idea was for her to stay in selling action while I was out for the afternoon, and Kae to keep busy mining as well.  When I got back, though, there had been a disconnection at about 3:00pm UK time, judging by the amount of endurance left on Kae's hammer; still, she had restocked her supplies of stones pretty well by then, and MistressDomino had made a few useful sales too.

In the evening, MistressSabina went out to Prokion Temple and added a level, so that she's level 22 now and able to wear the complete "Dark" armour set.  961 pet points got added, and 104.82%, as well as 126 skill points, which quickly got spent on a couple of skill levels.  Giving a passing knight a Chakra Shield buff, which just increases movement speed, nearly backfired - sometimes if you buff someone who then aggravates nearby monsters, at least one of the monsters will divert their ire in your direction, and that is what happened, an Orc Sergeant came after me with murder in mind, and I only just managed to retreat to the entrance hall in time.

After that, there was time for a rather short appearance for Rage, beginning with one simple message-delivery quest in Merac which I did first, riding out to visit Rau,  After that I moved to the Sphinx types, but there was nobody around of a suitable level to party with, and I didn't stay there very long, before it was time for SirPerivale to go back on duty with the Butchers in Merac.  Rage just added 8.20%, including the quest reward, plus a skill point and 323 pet points.

Looking around the shops earlier in Auzura-1's Randol had been productive; I bought a Stone of Shadow accessory for just under eighty million, for added dexterity and evasion, which will probably end up with my titan, and I also picked up a number of items that a couple of people had dropped, just cleaning out their inventories.  I'm sure 31 bloodseal gems will come in useful eventually... and there were some useful accessories, a Ring of Power with quite good hit rate stats for one.

I'm afraid I missed the announcement for the Auzura-based "Mad Monster Spawn" - scrolling SirDarth's messages back, there was at least one announcement, though there are usually more than that.  Rage did have to log out once, getting "stuck" at the Sphinx Fighter location, maybe that was when the call went out - though there was so much GM spam for a rather complicated offer that it would have been easy to miss anyway.  So, MistressSabina will have to wait for next week before heading out to one, by which time she may have got to a slightly higher level.  For a change the spawning of the monsters, and the rewards, didn't cause the server to crash.

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