Friday, 15 May 2009

The Undead Invasion

It was a long LC-less day, but at least SirDarth and SirPerivale managed to get some pet levelling done.  Darth at last got Ratty's horse into level 36, which means it gets through 8 starvation points every five minutes... so that a full 100 hunger bar lasts very slightly over an hour, though from the number of times I click the hotkey to feed a quality stone to the horse it feels more like half that time.  Tomorrow should be the end of that particular slog, so that Darth can go back to feeding a less greedy pet for a while.

I had a couple of emails from Aeria, regretting that I hadn't been around lately and tempting me back with a free 1000 aeria points.  A nice idea, and free aeria points are always welcome, but a bit strange when it applies to SirDarth's account, since he has been online on Last Chaos about 14 hours a day for almost every day for the last few weeks.  "We have not seen you here for a while", they say.  They should perhaps look harder, though it's nice to get some more ap as the account was running very low.

Looking at the recent announcements this morning, I see that there was a Quiz, like the Sunday evening one - but taking place at 3:00 am UK time this morning, so that I missed it.  Followed by an upgrade event, sigh...  The worst thing is, I can imagine myself setting my alarm to take part in future weeks if they make having a Quiz then, with the usual rewards, a regular thing.

At around 5:30 there was an announcement that GM JediMike was going to do one of his old school treasure hunts in half an hour, so not long after that I stood Peri down, and logged MistressSabina in.  I headed down to the south-east corner of Juno first, as I had a quest to visit Hunter Dranore near there - I added the location to my memory scroll, and then headed north, fighting a few Drakes, which are still green-named to Sabina, with a view to getting the north-east corner onto her scroll too.

When the official announcement came up, with the locations for possible treasure, I noticed that one set of coordinates was pretty close to the south-east spot I'd memorised, so I teleported down there, and managed to run in the right direction - and saw stuff lying on the ground!  As ever, newly-spawned items say they are "reserved for another player", but I was soon picking stuff up as fast as I could.  Other people arrived, but I did still see some items vanish when their time expired.  I kept on hitting the "pick" button as fast as I could, and the "pet item pickup" one too... and by the time the final drops were picked up, I'd gained 19 large defence potions, 19 skill point boosters, 21 large attack potions, 21 item drop boosters, probably about 40 tool aids, and 7 heaven stones, not to mention plenty of the minor items such as potions of haste and the small mana and HP recovery potions.  So, a nice result there!

Razva125 did get in touch when Rage logged in, but had just finished a session in the Tomb - he was off for a few hours sleep.  He did suggest that I could go to the Auzura-6 Tomb and join the party he'd been in, but I really didn't have long enough for that to be a good idea.

So, I went to the Sphinx Fighters and Sphinx Speer Men.  A level 36 titan called Ayax turned up before long and I teamed with him a bit, until he logged out, then before long the level 34 titan Theman1, who MistressDomina had met recently in Prokion Temple, arrived, and also wanted to be in a party with me.  Unfortunately his lag was very bad, and all he could do was give me the added attack buff and watch, but he seemed to enjoy the way I was able to kill the local monsters.

That came to a slightly premature end when Zenderfly got in touch; Zen has now joined the Auzura Norcaine guild, just to make communication easier, and I discovered that he is actually a titan here, because he couldn't be bothered to change the character to a mage when starting up.  He was asking if I had any useful items for Itura over on Cariae, so I switched across to MistressDomino over there, and passed over my level 55/57 set, and a level 53 +12 weapon I had, so Itu will look the part when she goes into monster combos in future.

Back on Auzura, GM Stratos sent out an urgent plea for assistance against an undead invasion on Auzura-5, and MistressSabina answered the call - as before, the first spot was Burbank Mill, and after that there were attacks on both gates of Randol.  I did get pk'd (player-killed) by xXGematriaXx out at the Mill, which seems a bit against the spirit of things, but assisted with Curse and Sloth and Flame Storm and generally attacked things a hundred or so levels above me.  The deadliest creatures were the Flutons, though luckily they turned up in the arena, where there isn't a death penalty.  When I logged out GM Stratos was holding a race to a far corner of Juno, with people able to kill other racers... as Sabina doesn't have a horse, I left them to it.  She was down by a skill point, due to death penalties, but had added 14.84% to her experience.

By the end of the evening SirDarth will have got that pale blue horse about a third of the way through its final level, so tomorrow ought to finish that job.  SirPerivale's horse is approaching two-thirds of the way through level 35, anyway, so isn't that far behind.  Rage was up by 14.37% from her time in Dratan, which had been enough to take her to level 49; she had added a skill point, and 727 pet points, so her horse is pretty close to levelling up as well.