I did set up CaptainScarlet and SirPerivale to pet-level overnight; Peri's computer ran out of memory about halfway through, so that was just about four hours of progress, but Cap kept going until I had to close the game, as I was going to be out for about twelve hours, which is a bit too long to leave a pet-leveller. It seemed slightly strange to be logging out at about the time I might normally be logging in, but it makes a change.
So, that was that until around six in the evening, UK time, when I was able to put Cap and Peri back up - and at about ten to seven, Peri stood aside to let SirDarth head for Prokion Temple, where the back room was, on Auzura-4, free. Darth may not kill as quickly as a mage, at least while he is only using the freebie level 33 +10 dual swords, but he made quite good progress. Ratel's mage Athema came online before long, and I was able to relay the good news that our friendly GMs had left the Sunday Teatime bonus of 50% extra skill exp running.
Since we tend to go to the Quiz on Auzura-2, Athema was over there already, so we didn't team up, though she was doing similar work over there. Probably having the two of us fighting the Orcs together wouldn't be a good idea, I don't think there would be enough Orcs to go around.
By the time the Quiz was approaching, SirDarth had added 9.89%, since the Orc Axemen, at least, don't give him much experience now he's level 33, and 125 skill points. For some minutes he had had to share the room with three other people - they can't have been that high-level, as there never seemed to be a shortage of Orcs to fight. The healer Bambolina and the knight Allevatore were members of the ItalianParty guild, while the rogue HateKay, who seemed to be using Invisibility a lot, was unguilded. They left before I did, though.
Kaerella and MistressBlaze joined Ratel in the Auzura-2 Quiz Room, and this time we survived right to the end. I remembered that of the two prices offered for buying a particular weapon, the one with the comma in it (1,231 as opposed to 1417, or whatever) was correct, and guessed that the higher price of the two quoted for the hire of a certain +6 weapon was the correct one. Again there was a run of at least seven "X" answers, rather than "O", while this time there weren't any questions at all about Phoenix characters.
So, we got the ten tool aids, ten moonstones, and fifteen heaven stones each. Ratel intends to sell his heaven stones overnight, either today or tomorrow, along with six he has picked up while fighting, for three million or so each, as he wants to keep repaying me for the gold I loaned him to buy that +15 weapon he wanted - I did assure him that there was no screaming rush, that perhaps he might want to wait until there was an "upgrade event" announced, to drive HS prices higher, but he wants to sell them right away.
He has put up a guild message for Norcaine, regretting that the guild now only has two active members, and saying that anyone else who doesn't get in touch soon, and show a bit of activity, will get kicked. Adrina, a level 15 member, did log on briefly after the quiz, but didn't say anything. It's a shame, people join with the best of intentions, but drift away or get stuck on a different character, leaving the guild full of people who never appear.
SirDarth went back to Prokion Temple. A "zombie invasion" at Burbank Mill in Juno was announced for Auzura-2, but I wasn't greatly tempted. Ratel did consider going, but I mentioned that the 50% extra skill exp was still running, so Athema headed for Auzura-2's Prokion Temple again instead. She was a bit nervous to find a number of high-level characters there, in case they were, for fun, going to scour the place for lower-level types and kill them all, but it turned out that they were there for a wedding. At least with an in-game wedding the photographs don't take as long afterwards! There was always a chance that the wedding guests would go on a killing spree once the ceremony was over, Auzura-2 is PvP-enabled after all, but if that did happen, Athema hoped that the back room was far enough away for her not to get involved. Still, a pk-death doesn't give a penalty to experience and skill exp, the way getting killed by a monster does, it just wastes a little bit of time.
Safe over on Auzura-4, SirDarth didn't stay long, and just added another 3.79% and 48 skill points, but it is all useful progress. Will the GMs remember to switch off the event's 50% extra skill exp after the last of the three "Sunday teatime" scheduled two hours, the US one? We will find out tomorrow.
CaptainScarlet and SirPerivale set up for a little more pet-levelling; Samael's pale blue horse is approaching two-thirds of the way through level 32 now, so with any luck Cap will be able to go back to working on our level 36 pink drake soon; Peri has now got his horse well into level 18, so it will be ready to be moved over to Cap before too long, when there is a space.
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