It was CaptainScarlet's turn to pet-level overnight with the Berserkers, and he did well, getting Samael's horse up to level 31 fairly early in the night. Before breakfast RedRackham was back in action too, working on his drake - but the pet-levelling ended earlier than usual, after I decided that I really didn't need to go on a shopping trip this morning out in the big wide world.
So, it was before coffee that I logged Galahad and Enchantrella in - although, as this was the Cariae server for a change, Galahad is actually officially "XxGALAHADxX". Gal had been power-levelled in the Tomb of Theos by one of my high-level characters, soon after the "player appreciation event" started, just to get the +10 30/32 armour set and level 33 weapons, with nothing done with him since then, so I got all his "treasure chest" goodies from Lorraine, a mixture of gold and Candy, spent what few skill points he had on the low levels of Canid Fence and the first level of Vitality Control, had MistressDomina enrol him in the ForceWithin guild of which she is guild master (and freeze his experience gain on 50%), and had him run out to Prokion Temple on Cariae-3. It's certainly an easier run at level 31 than at level 7, the Sand Golems and Clever Foxes of the Desert are no problem at all at that level.
Enchantrella, my level 27 mage, with just about all her special skills already maximised, as well as the general and passive ones, was able to use her memory scroll to teleport to the Temple entrance, and arrived just as Gal ran up. They then headed for my favourite back room - and I took my coffee break before Gal started the first of his "beginner" platinum super skill pills, giving 150% extra skill exp gain for an hour. Enchantrella, with just a +6 armour set, kept safely in a corner, offering moral support.
The first hour saw Galahad gain 104 skill points, while there was just time for a second hour too, which brought in another 110 - having just remembered to buy bloodseal gems before I left Dratan city, by the end almost all the seals were done for his armour, sword and shield, adding a little bit to attack, defence and evasion. Without the full Canid Fence and Vitality Control passive skills, though, he couldn't use the dual swords for faster killing, as his health started to drop dramatically if he hadn't got his shield equipped.
Gal gained 7.13% experience in the first hour, with his experience gain cut to 50%, and 7.39% in the second hour - 14.64 in all, plus 215 skill points, as I couldn't stay long after the second pssp expired. Enchantrella added 11.85% and 12.50%, for 24.54% in all, plus just 87 skill points as she wasn't using any boosts.
Ratel was actually logged in over on Cariae,, a quick check of Enchie's Friends list showed, but he must have been away from his keyboard as he didn't reply to my greeting, and had logged out the next time I tried.
After Cap and Peri did some more work over lunch on Auzura-4, it was time to return to Cariae-3, and Galahad and Enchantrella were soon back in action - though I spent 200 of Galahad's newly-gained skill points on getting Canid Fence and Vitality Control up to level five, the maximum possible at his current level, first.
This proved a sensible investment, as it meant that he could use his dual swords rather than just a sword and shield - sometimes his health would drop a little if a lot of Orcs were surrounding him, but as the size of the mob was reduced, his health bar would stabilize and I never had to actually use any health potions. So, killing more quickly, Gal gained 138 skill points during his third pssp's hour, along with 9.23% experience, followed by 130 and 8.52%.
I continued for a while after that fourth hour ended, but I switched to a Combat party, to let Enchantrella continue to gain skill exp without adding too much experience. In all, Enchantrella added 31.51% during the afternoon, and 125 more skill points, while Galahad's totals were 22.34% and 286.
Back in Randol, Galahad was able to learn all five levels of the level 30 skill Mana Break, and opt to become a Temple Knight, so that when he reaches level 32, that Wall of Belief passive skill will let him increase his physical defence stat even more. The plan is to get him up to level 35, so that, on Cariae, like RedRackham over on Auzura, he'll be a perfect pet-leveller.
Red and Cap were back in action over the early evening food break, and Cap continued for a bit after that, while Memree made her usual visit to the Auzura Mad Monster Spawn, which as ever was a bit later than its theoretical five o'clock (UK) starting time. GM Stratos was back in charge this week. Memree only died once, though in my hurry I chose the wrong option and used up one of her five "beginner" resurrection scrolls, rather than just respawning back in town with a small penalty. I think the death was because I was trying to heal someone who was being attacked by a cave spirit type - it was certainly instantaneous. A little later my health was down below 20, I may have been hit by one of the debuffs that takes one down to 1 hp, but that I managed to survive.
The final wave went "right down to the wire", with a large mob of us attempting to take down the last Patriarch Botis. We'd have been okay if its health hadn't reset from about 40% to the full 100%, presumably because the person it was focussed on had left the area. I think another large group were working on a Fluton - but at last we got reinforcements, and the Patriarch went down with less than ten seconds to spare.
That earned us a final spawning of Hands as a reward. If I understood what TinySickNinja was saying correctly, there may actually have been some Hands of the Warrior spawned, but there was nothing of that type visible when I got to where the goodies get dropped. Still, Memree did pretty well, picking up in all 7 large defence and 15 large attack potions, 6 item drop boosters, 11 skill point boosters, and quite a lot of tool aids, which meant that it seemed like a good idea to use as many as possible to mine some quality stones.
In total, Memree used 85 tool aids and healer-type mining hammers, so mined 2295 quality stones. The level 31 rogue FrOzEn got in touch while I was doing that, and suggested that we team up for a trip to find some Pandora's Boxes and Beasts - she was in favour of Dratan, but I voted for Merac, as I don't rate the drops from Dratan Beasts very highly. So we ran around most of the map really, from Berserkers down to Gnolls and as far as Merac Castle, and then back to town and out to the east, to the Mystic Swamp and so on. We did find a few Boxes - one dropped some gold, while one down by the Gnoll Lancers released a level 50 Beast - I had to use my Resurrection skill on my companion then, but in the end, when Frozen's Snare worked twice in succession, we did manage to kill it. Curiously it gave a lot less experience than a couple of level 30 types we encountered off to the east.
Frozen then was wondering where a good place for experience was, and I mentioned the Sphinx types in Dratan, though stressing that as a level 31 healer, Memree wasn't ready to go there. So I switched to my level 39 witch MistressSabina; as Frozen hadn't got the place on her memory scroll yet, I got my "friend" MistressDomina to come online briefly to use her Recall to get us out there, where we joined Frozen's friend WHITEBLACK, a level 43 rogue.
It all started fairly chaotically, we seemed always to be attracting more than one monster, and over the course of the next hour or so there were a number of deaths, though Sabina managed to stay alive. Neither of the rogues seemed to bother about getting their health bar, er, healthy again after it had been bashed down to 25%. WhiteBlack left after a while; FrOzEn briefly went back to town to buy a blessed iris and some experience boosters, so for a while it was "let me make the final blow", so that the boosters would work for her. She did manage to level up, and mentioned at the end that she was pretty close to level 33 by then. When I departed, she was going to head for Prokion Temple to finish up the rest of the double experience time from the blessed iris.
MistressSabina levelled up early on, and was able to use her next pair of gloves. By the end of the session she had added 29.16% experience, though no skill points, so that was a useful session, and it was fun to actually play Sabina rather than just have her standing at the side. I'd first met Frozen at the Zombie infestation on Sunday - she had been lying dead right at the end, asking to be resurrected, as the rewards were just about to be spawned, and, once I had persuaded her that she needed to register for a party before I could do anything, I had returned her to life just in time for the loot-grabbing.
The American servers' Mad Monster Spawns were due at ten o'clock, UK time, which is a bit late for me, but I logged Barbarienne in on Cariae-3 and rode over. GM Kali was in charge, and things proceeded at a lively pace, with plenty of rewarding hands between waves. Barb did get hit badly a couple of time, requiring running like heck, using great healing potions, and plenty of Self Heal, but I think that she made a useful contribution to the campaign. There was no sign of Zenderfly, though - again, Ratel was the only person on my Friends list to appear to be online, and he must have been afk.
I was just starting to recover from the second "near-death experience", having moved out of the front line and started to Self Heal, when the game crashed, which is very unusual these days - "send error report?" Logging back in took a while, and then I had to ride back out as Barb doesn't have room on her memory scroll for the MMS location, but I got back in time to assist with the last few Patriach Botises - and to grab plenty of loot, Kali seemed to be very generous with the Hands of Bravery, Hands of the Guard, and the defence one..,. but there weren't any Hands of the Warrior, with heaven stones. Cariae finished the final wave with plenty of time to spare, so it was only about 10:37 when Barbarienne logged out... and RedRackham logged back in to join CaptainScarlet for a little more pet-levelling. By the time we shut down tonight, Samael's horse should only be about three hours away from reaching its target level of 33, while Red's drake is safely into level 27 now.
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