The pet-levelling didn't continue overnight, the game had been running so long without a break on the older computer that things obviously needed a break. Not long before logging out I did actually see a ks-er in action - a knight called Erpiubald darted in, killed my death mask lancer, and hurried away. "Naughty", I commented, but got no reply.
SirGalahad started again fairly early in the morning, and soon got his drake to level 19. After coffee Rage and RedRyder made their usual trip to Prokion Temple on Tairen-1; that pesky rogue GIOURAS was around for a little while, taking what orc fighters she could at one end of the room, but she left before too long. As I'd had my coffee a bit early, my pair of rogues had enough time to get 202 skill points each; Rage went up by 10.51% and 86 guild points, while RedRyder added 3.69% and 14 guild points.
SirGalahad was back in action in time for the lunch break, and the drake reached level 20 just after lunch, despite a couple of ks-ings which I assume were down to a rogue called Cecil, of a guild called DorkSociety, or something similar...I may have got that first vowel wrong.
On the newer computer, Cariae's Kaerella logged in. Since she is now level 54, it seemed a good time to do her quest to collect seven of the "Egg of Crazy Dragon" quest item from the dragons in Dratan desert, which proved simple enough; in the quest part of the inventory they look remarkably like the rare pink drake eggs. Killing the necessary dragons, about half of which dropped an egg, added just 0.19%, but the quest reward added 2.73%, as well as 8 skill points. According to the Wet Paint LC wiki there ought to be a level 54 quest available now as well, "Apology from Goblin Commander", but it doesn't seem available from the miner trainer, at least not yet. It may rely on having completed a previous goblin quest, which hadn't been added to the game when Kae was the appropriate level, I suppose.
After that, Kaerella teleported down to the ravenous larva spot she had previously memorised, since she was now their level. I killed a few and moved along, exploring, and soon found the elite ravenous larva, which, as with the akane giants, gave three times as much experience and slightly more skill exp - it also hit pretty hard sometimes. Still, it made for a productive afternoon session, which ended with Kaerella up, in all, by 13.16%, 119 skill points and 1305 pet points.
With SirGalahad still pet-levelling, the evening session wasn't exactly what I had been planning. Gamer had been saying that she needed to buy new armour, so, logged in on Rage, I was looking through Roy's merchant mart stock, on Tairen-1, to see if there were, for example, any level 47 boots for sale - and there weren't. Now, Kaerella in the afternoon had picked up two or three pairs of them, and also level 46 shirts, from the ravenous larvas...a shame she is on a different server!
Gamer was just next to me when I finished scanning the last page of boots, so I invited her to join an equal-type party, and led her to Dratan. Then I led her south towards the ravenous larvas. There is a colony of them that isn't quite as far south as the ones Kae was fighting over on Cariae, though they don't have an elite one there - still, these were good enough for our purposes. Unfortunately, the first dozen or so we fought didn't drop any armour, and Gamer seemed to lose interest - or rather, she had other things on her mind.
So, Gamer said "come", and she led me west across Dratan, threading our way between the level 55 dragons, and then the level 59 arcane golems, until we entered the grassy higher-level south-west area, and were running past the various kinds of wafe, which, thankfully, are not aggressive. And then we encountered the first of the sphinx fighters and sphinx speer men, and either ran past or fought one or two to create a gap, as appropriate - and were soon at the elite sphinx speer man location, which I added to Rage's memory scroll. I told Gamer to do the same, and to make my meaning clear dropped a scroll for her.
Gamer didn't want to stay there long, and moved slightly further, still fighting the sphinx types as necessary. We met another rogue there, who accused Gamer of using a speed hack, but I said that she'd not been running as fast as me on the way there, innocently. I did wonder later if there was anything in the accusation, as Gamer's attacks seemed pretty swift - but witches have skills, hopefully it was just legitimate buffs.
We moved on - I thought we were heading for the entrance to the Tomb of Theos, and when we paused I made a new "on way to Tomb" memory scroll save point, but in fact we were too far east for that, one would have needed to take a different route from the elite speer man. Gamer had in fact brought me to the elite sphinx fighter, a spot which I think she had already found and memorised - one that I've never ever been to before on any server.
So, we settled in there, starting with Gamer on level 41 and Rage on level 33, and ending, when the Quiz approached, each two levels higher. I can't say that I planned to level Rage up, she was supposed to do some more work in Prokion Temple with RedRyder - something she ought still to be able to do, just about (albeit not with the orc fighters, I suspect), in fact it was lucky I didn't have Elizabeth's Enhancement on. I could have gone back to town and got that buff, but I didn't want to level up twice as fast...
It is frustrating not being able to communicate properly with Gamer. She was using a blessed iris, for double experience for three hours, and I tried to convince her "blessed iris bad :( - Elizabeth's Enhancement good :)", but it didn't work. It wasn't easy getting her to come to the Quiz, but at least that part I managed.
We fought the elite sphinx fighter and its accompanying level 64 sphinx speer men and level 63 sphinx fighters, and I think, although eight levels lower, Rage did her share, supplying the horse buffs and using Snare on the elite, and whenever else things got complex. Gamer seemed to be pretty good at using her skills, and if ever I got into trouble with a newly-respawned fighter it would immediately get Curse on it to slow it right down...and when one respawned on Gamer, I'd quickly use Snare, although of course that only works 70% of the time. I did get my health knocked down a bit a few times, but generally the usual advantage of fighting alongside a mage held up, monsters always seem to prefer to attack them first. We did get a weapon and a piece of armour dropped, which I let Gamer have, at her rate of progress she'll soon be able to use them. I got the moonstone boxes, and a tool aid or two, plus half the gold of course. And Rage had added a single skill point, 1075 pet points, and 147.03% experience.
I was so engrossed in our team-up that I didn't give SirGalahad enough attention, and somehow a death mask soldier got involved, and killed the drake, which by then was well into level 21; that is something that can happen there, but getting it "unsealed" at that level only cost 61,740 gold, which has to be a fairly minor penalty.
Gamer and I continued until Rage reached level 35; by then SirGalahad had logged out, and Kaerella had headed for the Tairen-2 quiz room, so I gave Gamer strict instructions to meet Rage on T-2, and escorted her to the domain merchant, and into the quiz room. The next thing was to get her to "alt + z > options > enter chat > yes", and use the "W" key to move around inside the room, but, though she did have to relog and return, she managed to do that, and then clicked on me, to be led around during the quiz itself.
Before the quiz began there were stern warnings about "exploits", and I did spot [GM]Stratos in the room briefly, checking us out; the gamesage Airadella was in our room too. Whoever was running the quiz entered the coding command into chat rather than whatever their version of "the console" is, but things got moving soon after that, and, thankfully, there were no new or hard questions. We all tend to know by now that Teleporter Nadil is in Lust Trum, Dratan has five oases, and that Billionaire Jiore's name kind of rhymes with "yee-haw", rather than being spelt "joire", so that there were few casualties along the way, and almost everyone emerged triumphant with their tool aids, moonstones, and, most importantly, heaven stones.
I was so relieved that I bought Gamer's heaven stones for a million each, though my most recent selling price is actually 950k, hoping that she would feel that she had enough gold now. Though, I must report, she still seems to be hoping for further generosity from her fellow guildies. I must try to get her along to the Tairen low-level Mad Monster Spawn on Wednesday, so that she can pick up some loot there.
Rage got her level 35 skill, which was a first level of the passive skill Reinforce 2, increasing her attack by 62 for 150 skill points, and all the heaven stones etc got transferred across to MistressDomino, who then went into merchant mode - though with people selling off their newly-gained HS quickly at bargain prices, she is unlikely to sell those tonight. SirGalahad, after getting his drake unsealed, went back to Maargadum Jail, so the drake should be well into level 22 by the time he logs out for the night.