The various characters logged on for their 30 minutes each of playing time during the morning, either standing around in Randol if I was having breakfast or out doing some quick shopping, or managing a little herb gathering or stone mining. MistressBlaze, however, used her half hour to go out to the sphinx fighters and sphinx "speer" men - and managed to get the experience she needed to reach level 57, allowing her to wear the complete 60/62 armour set.
The half hour passed easily enough; a rogue was busy on the elite sphinx speer man, taking ages to kill it each time, but otherwise the place was quiet. By the time the countdown ended, maintaining MB's 10% experience bonus for another day, MistressBlaze had gone up by 8.04%, 10 skill points, and 226 pet points. She had also opened a pandora's box, getting five level twelve physical defence minerals as her reward.
There was also time for MistressSabina to head out to Maargadum Jail before lunch; like MistressBlaze, she had RedRackham providing her solo party, as he did a little more pet-levelling work on his level 40 drake. The place was pretty busy, but there was just about room for MistressBlaze too. It wasn't a hugely long session, but Sabina did manage to add 10.02%, 49 skill points, and 607 pet points.
There was a special offer on the three relatively new kinds of pet this weekend, a "tiered spender" event, which meant that if one spent 2,000 aeria points, one got a free polar bear pet. Spend another 2,000 and you'd get a jaguar too, and take your total up to 6,000 and they'd throw in a brand-new panda pet as well. I decided that I didn't really want to have three new pets to train and level up, but a polar bear was rather tempting... so I stocked up on "buy one get one for 1 ap" platinum blessed irises and platinum super skill pills, and got MistressDomina a baby "poly".
MistressDomina traded the polar bear across to Kaerella, my Auzura archer, and, in a combat party, they went off to the Tomb of Theos on Auzura-5. I let myself be persuaded to take some level 31-33 people into the party, so it went to the equal type, but that didn't effect the experience for the poly, and, with numerous assistants, MD set to work luring the screaming zombies and killing them.
There were some other higher-level people around, including a couple of night shadows, who generally let other people "ks" too, and everything went smoothly most of the time, even if there was one sorcerer who tended to lure a zombie he couldn't deal with...sometimes MD had to pull one or two other zombies off the lower-levels.
My session ended slightly prematurely, when a wandering screaming zombie decided to attack the poor little poly - but back in town it only cost 122,352 gold to "unseal" the little chap. He had gone from level 1 to level 7 in the session, a total of 605.16%, so that got him, generally, off to a good start.
MistressDomina went up 14.06%, and her drake gained 2033 pet points, while Kaerella added 14.13%, with the fact that the party had been "combat" style briefly outweighed by her being one level lower than MD - and they each got a single skill point. After they logged out, RedRackham went back into pet-levelling action over a rather extended food break, which included some final preparations for tomorrow.
The campaign continued for the evening session, with some familiar supporters in the Auzura-5 Tomb of Theos, and some new ones. By the end, the polar bear had reached level 12, adding 496.71%. This time we were able to keep to the combat party throughout, so Kaerella added just 6.13%, while MistressDomina earned 32.13% - not the sort of increase she'll be able to manage once level 90 is reached, unless she starts using boosters. MD's drake gained 2671 pet points... and they each added 5 skill points.
The "Creature Carnival" event was just starting when MD and Kae logged out, so I quickly logged RedRackham in for some more pet-levelling; any double pet experience is useful, particularly when the drake is getting hungry. I'm not sure if the double pet experience applies to polar bears, but hopefully at some point there will be an opportunity to find out. The poly is a cute little fellow - he can be changed into a larger bear when level 50 is reached, but it depends on which skills one wants it to use. That is something I'll need to look into, but at least he is a fun companion to show off in town. The panda, the newest addition to the Last Chaos menagerie, looks suspiciously similar, except for the fur colours, and someone was saying that the skills are remarkably similar too!
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