Tuesday 9 February 2010

Marching Onwards

SirGalahad got into action before breakfast, and it didn't take long, down on level five of Maargadum Jail on Tairen-2, for his current hatchling to reach level 11; by lunchtime it was on level 13, in fact, so that was going well.

We were on Tairen-2 since that's where my rogue Memree was working today, using up her beginner-type platinum super skill pills. 150% extra skill exp is only a slight improvement over the 100% extra that Elizabeth's Enhancement offers, on Tairen-1, but it comes without also doubling the regular type of experience, so that levels last longer, allowing more skill points per level to be gained.

There was just time for a one-hour session for Memree before lunch; Prokion Temple's back room was free, and during the hour another 33.50% experience was gained, along with 436 skill points, 1082 pet points, and 258 guild points. This took Memree 2% into level 30, so the experience and skill exp per kill had now fallen from 9483/13750 to 9011/12375 per orc sergeant, and from 5777/1100 to 4814/9625 per orc axeman, now green-named, so this level will be a bit slower.

Randol was deserted when Memree returned there, except for two suspiciously-named titans who looked like silenced gold-spammers to me. Spending 757 skill points maximised all Memree's available general and passive skills, including the new level 30 ones, which are Invisibility (needed at level five before a rogue can choose to become an assassin or a ranger) and Detect Weakness, which gives a big boost to a rogue's hit rate.

For the afternoon, there was time to use the last two of the five freebie beginner pssps, again in the back room in Tairen-2's deserted Prokion Temple, after stopping off to get and immediately complete a quest in Dratan, gaining 4.95% and 5 skill points. The first hour went well, with 26.60%, 413 skill points, 1083 pet points, and 247 guild points, but almost immediately after starting the second one I got disconnected. Memree's drake took a little damage, but survived, but it meant that, with the relogging and returning involved, that particular hour's figures were slightly down at 25.13%, 385 skill points, 1005 pet points, and 232 guild points.

While SirGalahad continued his work, getting his drake up to level 18 before the end of the evening, over on Cariae-1 Kaerella logged in for a session out with the ravenous larvae in Dratan's desert. There was a notification when I logged in that Roy had sold some items for me - and he did indeed have 2,354,281 gold to hand over.

I joined a solo party headed by the level 109 war master Morganic, who apparently was doing some semi-afk pet levelling in Strayana. It must have been a pretty strong monster he was fighting, as he was using a weapon, albeit just the level 1 machete a titan starts with; apparently you keep a monster's attention better with a weapon than bare-handed, so that he was able to recall a low-level friend to his side to pet-level there too.

Before too long a level 41 titan called mcrossx flew up on his dragon to join me, and asked if he could fight there too. I hadn't realised initially that he was actually a member of our party, but I said there were enough larvae for both of us. It did slow me down for a while as he needed some healing, and having him "on compass" reduced my sp gain to about a third... but not surprisingly he found the larvae a bit too ravenous, and left before too long.

Morganic went entirely afk after a while, and promoted me to party leader, though that doesn't mean much except that one accepts people applying to join, saying "hi" and "yw", kicks people whose names have gone black after a bit, and has to relist the party if a full eight is reached and then someone leaves. I just kept on with my fighting, for about 2 hours 45 minutes...and then it was time to pass the leadership over to someone else, and log out for the night. By then Kae had added 13.39%, 159 skill points, and for SirFrancis 1826 pet points.

There had been a "Random prizes are falling from the sky in Randol" event during the evening, but I hadn't bothered to go to the appropriate sub-server for that; I'd ignored a "hide and seek" and a spawning of Pandora's Beasts on Auzura, too, since they are not terribly rewarding or exciting. Tomorrow, though, there should be a succession of Mad Monster Spawns to attend, which will certainly make a change from solo slogs in the desert.

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