Sunday 28 February 2010

Memree Levels Up

At the last minute I decided to let ColonelScarlet keep pet-levelling on Katar-4 with his bandit duo overnight, which worked pretty well, although a couple of hours did get lost to a disconnection towards the end of the night. Still, at breakfast time he went back and continued the good work, soon getting his pink drake into level 32. SirGalahad got back into action in Maargadum Jail then too, moving his drake steadily through level 31.

After coffee Rage and RedRyder went off to Tairen-5's Prokion Temple. The back room was not entirely deserted, as an elementalist type sorcerer, Samael, went in a second or two ahead of me...but since many visitors to the room don't stay around, and he seemed to be hovering slightly in the doorway, I dashed in anyway and started attacking the orcs.

Samael didn't stay long, though I think there were just about enough orcs for both of us, so Rage and RedRyder had a full session there. By the time lunch was nearly ready Rage was up by 6.69% and 126 guild points, while RedRyder had gained 4.17% and 19 guild points... and they'd each added 121 skill points, which takes Red up to the 5.5k mark.

Over the lunch break SirGalahad and ColonelScarlet were back in action, and on the older computer Gal stuck around for the afternoon, while my Cariae cleric Kaerella logged in. The solo party Kae got into stayed active all afternoon, and so did Kae, out with the sphinx types - in all she gained 36.84%, 48 skill points, and 1600 pet points, so she isn't far short of level 57 now. There weren't any team-ups to fight the sphinx fighters etc, generally anyone who asked was too low-level, people have to be within 15 levels for it to work.

SirGalahad and ColonelScarlet signed back in over the early evening food break, and then for the main part of the evening Memree and Kaerella went to Prokion Temple, back on Tairen-5. Unsurprisingly at such a busy time my favourite back room was in use, but as usual the "mirror" half of the place wasn't as busy, and its version of the back room was free, and I had no visitors there.

By the time the Sunday Evening Quiz was drawing near, Memree had gone up by 52.53%, and 513 guild points, while Kaerella had got 31.50% and 78 guild points; they had each gained 346 skill points, so that, back in Randol, Kaerella was able to learn all three levels of advanced farming ("herbology"), plus both levels of flawed stone processing and the first two levels of imperfect stone processing, with a few points left over.

The Quiz, which Kaerella and MistressDomino attended on Tairen-2, was pretty slow again, taking a whole half hour for its 22 questions. Almost everyone survived to get their 10 tool aids, 10 moonstones, and 15 heaven stones this week, though I noticed one of the people who delight in running to the safe side at the very last second got kicked, because he ran back to the other side too soon - and a few odd people did disappear along the way. The question about the number of non player characters in Dratan City wasn't asked this week, but we did nearly have a problem with the one about the number of oases in the desert which, again, is the lower of the two possible answers. I set a good example, and I hope that helped persuade those who weren't sure to move across.

At nine the GMs announced that the "teatime" bonus of an extra 75% skill exp was starting, so Memree and Kaerella quickly logged back in on Tairen-5, got Elizabeth's Enhancement, and made straight for the Temple. This time we were in time to grab the proper back room; one sorcerer did run in, see Memree in action, and run out again, while towards the end a rogue called ACIDO stood in the doorway, and I thought she was just waiting for me to finish or something, but when I did leave after an hour she didn't go in, but stayed with the lower-level orcs in the corridor there.

That shorter session got Memree another 23.00% and 243 guild points, and Kaerella added another 14.80% - thanks to the skill exp boost they got 192 skill points each, so that Kae now had enough sp for the last level of imperfect stone processing, and the first two levels of flawless (or quality) stone processing. The extra 75% skill exp added on to the extra 100% from the Elizabuff, so was really only 37.5% more than usual.

That session also got Memree into level 35, which was useful as there was, from four in the afternoon until noon tomorrow, UK time, a free "raffle" going on, and each levelling-up during that time counts as a raffle entry, for a pack of 100 each of the skill point, experience, and item drop boosters. There'll be twelve winners on each server, so who knows, maybe Memree will get lucky. Reaching level 35 also means she can learn Coup de Gras 2's first level, for 150 sp, which will increase her chance of a critical strike, doing double damage, by 60.

As things were getting late, it was only ColonelScarlet who logged back in after that, with his pink drake, which by the end of the evening should be approaching two-thirds of the way through level 32, thanks to the kindly assistance of the two bandits. There was a Pandora's Box temptingly close by, which, since nobody else was around, I did risk opening - it just dropped ten small healing potions.

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