One nice thing with free-to-play games like Last Chaos is that you can have more than one account without paying for multiple subscriptions, and when one has more than one computer that's capable of playing games, it does come in very handy to be able to have more than one character active at the same time. My older computer may be over four years old now, but, like most mmorpgs, LC isn't particularly demanding, though for some reason there are a few places where the older computer starts to bleep if I'm facing in a particular direction.
I have very occasionally actually "played" different characters simultaneously, where 100% attention wasn't needed and there wasn't any risk of dying, but generally the older computer will be hosting someone mining, or levelling a pet, or in "merchant mode" back in town trying to sell some loot. And if they are in a "solo party" with the more active character, that gives a slight boost to that character's experience and skill exp gain.
On the still-fairly-new Auzura server my main characters are my healer Kaerella and my rogue RAGE, both of whom at level 27 have now finished farming the necessary skill points for higher-level skills. Unfortunately the guild master of CONFLICT got (quite unfairly) banned for alleged "hacking", so Kaerella this afternoon had to leave that guild, and Rage (no point in writing it all in capitals every time) may well need to follow suit.
Kae has now joined Norcaine, where really she should have been from the start; my level 23 mage MistressDomina and my level 27 titan MrChuckNorris are both there already. "MD" is still getting her special skills sorted out, and will be in line to inherit Kae's level 30/32 armour and level 29 +13 weapon once Kae has moved on to a higher-level set, while this morning I did get Chuck's armour set up to +4, using a large number of smelting stones to get it to +3 and then the expensive lucky smelting stones to get it to +4.
The only thing that stopped Chuck from starting to farm skill points in earnest was his weapon, which at just +6 only gave 147 attack; I spent an hour this afternoon in Prokion Temple, which is the place to go to farm sp, and he only managed around 90 skill points. So, some serious shopping was needed, and the only +15 level 29 weapon I could find wasn't exactly cheap. I noticed a titan asking for a +15 weapon for 30-40 million, and 40 was what I had to pay - or 39,999,000 gold to be exact. The great thing about a level 29 weapon, as opposed to a level 21 "event weapon", is that for a small fee it can be converted into the equivalent weapon for a different class, so it looks as if MistressDomina may well benefit from this one later, instead of the +13 wepon. As a titan sword, its attack is 361, which by my calculations is 145% better than the one Chuck was using earlier.
SirDarth is my main knight, though he has stopped to do some "pet levelling", on level 22 - with their good armour/defence and health regeneration skills knights are best at this, you unequip their sword and leave them to fight a monster a few levels higher than them, with the pet equipped, and every few hits, the pet gains a pet experience point, with a horse or dragon type pet it doesn't matter if the monster doesn't die. So SirDarth spent most of the day levelling up a horse; not one for me, but for my friend the Norcaine guild master Ratel, whose online playing, or away-from-keyboard, time is limited by quite a low monthly bandwidth limit on his broadband contract.
So that Darth can soon start to level up, I have created a second knight as a specialist pet leveller, SirPerivale, but at the moment it is handy to have two pet levellers available, and, when I'm away for shopping or food or whatever, he is now working to level up a new dragon hatchling. Meanwhile, my main merchant character is MistressDomino, a level 10 mage who sells loot, and spare stuff bought from the Item Mall, and is the reason why I could afford to buy that +15 weapon.
Anyway, after Chuck's afternoon session, in the evening it was time at last for Kaerella to start her levelling, in my favoutite Prokion Temple upstairs back room well-stocked with level 27 Orc Axemen and level 29 Orc Sergeants. For the first hour I used a power potion, which increases one's attack and defence, and a crit potion, which increases greatly the number of one's hits that go "critical" and inflict double damage. That did get me up by 129.00% on the experience front, and 255 skill points. After that I did without such expensive items, and a rather longer part of the session added another 108.33%, and 274 skill points... as one levels up, more experience is needed per level.
Unfortunately, I didn't quite have time before logging off to get to level thirty, but going up by 237.33% during the evening session was pretty good I think. Adding 529 skill points was a bonus, by my calculations that means Kaerella can get all the archer skills to level 100, with 50 to spare. A few more will get added along the way, but as BasheR found today, a single death when you are carrying large amounts of sp can easily rob you of 400 or more points. A resurrection scroll can protect you, but not if the death comes from a disconnection, which can happen.
After that, before I logged out SirDarth, who'd been working on Ratel's horse, traded it over to Kae, and took her drake, which she'd levelled up to level 18 tonight - and Kae traded the horse on to SirPerivale, in exchange for the new hatchling he'd been working on earlier. The idea is that, while Darth wouldn't have been able to level the horse overnight as it is a few levels above him now and is starting to get through more stones per hour, the drake is a few levels below him, and should take slightly over eight hours to get through the whole 100-point starvation bar.
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