Monday, 30 March 2009

The Return of the Prodigal

SirPerivale and SirDarth both started work early as usual; Peri had been asked to get this particular horse to level 16 and he's already level 18, but he may as well keep busy!  When Darth arrived at the Berserkers there were two Pandora's Boxes close by, but one just yielded ten small healing potions, while the other disgorged a level thirty Beast, which dropped only 55 gold when killed.

When I checked after coffee, however, Peri had a "Friend registration cancelled" note, to show that someone had attempted to add him to their Friends List but given up when he didn't respond.  Darth had a similar note, but the clickable window for it was still open - and revealed the name to be Zenderfly, a name we've certainly mentioned many many times here in the past.  Unfortunately she had already left the sub-server, so that clicking the button didn't work, and neither did an attempt to whisper.

A little later, after browsing the shops in Auzura-1, Kaerella headed for the Sphinx Fighters on Auzura-3, where Hevenlee was already in action.  She mentioned that there had been a 175% upgrade probability event after I'd logged out yesterday, sigh - she'd broken her new shirt and skirt then, but upgraded her other stuff successfully, including, most importantly, the boots. Looking at yesterday's "events" list, the upgrading didn't come along until about 3:30 am, UK time, which would have been rather a long time for me to wait up.

BasheR got in touch to invite me to a Tomb party on Auzura-1 - I hadn't realised, with the new timing, how close we were to lunch, but Bash said to come anyway.  A third person he had invited didn't arrive, but we did manage to kill two Screaming Zombies, albeit slowly - and moments after the second one was killed, I got a disconnection.  So, that ended the morning session rather abruptly.  "Couldn't you dc two seconds before?  I would get full xp", Bash commented...

Kae went out to the Sphinx Fighters rather briefly after lunch, but as the 50% skill exp was still on from last night, I soon switched to my level 23 mage MistressDomina, and headed, of course, for Prokion Temple.  The Orc Soldiers in an early corridor are level 23 too, so MD was able, once she picked up the correct Blessed Reward, to get 12375 skill exp per kill.  It wasn't as long a session as Chuck's yesterday, but it did bring in 358 skill points, and a variety of armour and weapon drops.  I kept going until MD's inventory weight reached 100%, which happened in the best possible way with the arrival of a Heaven Stone.

MistressDomina spent 493 skill points, as she'd already got some in reserve, which got her almost the whole way through the first three grades of Weaponsmith levels - 17 more sp will be needed before she gets the top available level though.

BasheR was about one kill short of levelling when Kae got disconnected before lunch, but later assured me that he had got that level safely - and the one after, so he's level 54 now.  So he must have found some other people to team up with, while I wasn't around.

Stavinac checked up on how WintersVoice's horse was coming along, and when I told him it had reached halfway through level 19, asked me to stop there, to avoid it overtaking WintersVoice; so I swapped that horse over to SirDarth, and set SirPerivale to levelling up our own horse, which had just reached level 33.

Kaerella's evening session was with the Sphinx Fighters again, and at about a quarter to eight Zenderfly made an attempt to add Kae to her Friends List, which I eagerly accepted.  So, Zen's back, though as the low levels don't really hold much interest for her, she will be concentrating on her existing Cariae character, level 106 now.  "I'm announcing my LC revival". Yes, for about three months Zen has been playing Rappelz: "Very interesting on the low levels, but sucks on the higher things."  She mentioned that over on Cariae experience boosters seem to be going for around three million each now... she still has about 3000 though, which should keep her going.  And a friend has promised to sell her a level 109 +15 mage weapon, yellow with four seals, for 750 million.  Selling some boosters, and some heaven stones at around three million too, should soon raise the cash needed.

Kae continued with the Sphinx Fighters - it was quite a long slog, but by the end of the evening session level 52 was at last reached.  So, I was able to equip the new Mending set's circlet and boots.  Despite the lack of an upgrade event, it only took me seven heaven stones to get them both to +3, and I added lucky smelting stones to get them to +6, like the rest of the set, so that my defence has now risen from 842 to 915... plus another 210 if I have SirFrancis equipped.  Level 52 doesn't add to an archer's attack or passive skills, but it did mean that I could get the final levels of weaponsmithing and armoursmithing, for 435 skill points each.

Level 53, I see, will allow Kaerella to get a sixth level of Arrow of Silence, an attack skill I don't think I've used, but useful against bosses as it stops its target using its own special skills for ten seconds.  Level six increases its chance of success from 70% to 75%, and increases its "power" (the multiple of the regular hit damage) from 290% to 320%...hmm, I see that at level 56 a sixth level of Slow Shot does something similar, power-wise (310% to 350%), and increases the slow-down effect from 50% to 55%... But level 53 is the important one, as that will allow me to equip that shiny new level 57 bow of mine.

The evening session added 50.20%, and, helped along by that 50% extra skill exp, 28 skill points, plus 1313 pet points, so that the totals for the day for Kae were 64.38%, 36 skill points, and 1725 pet points.  That was an awful lot of Sphinx Fighters and Sphinx Speer Men, about the only diversion was when SirPerivale opened another Pandora's Box, which this time released a level 50 Beast - so Kae had to zip over to Merac and ride down to deal with it.  It dropped 44,800 gold, which made the trip worthwhile.  On the way back I dealt with three Cerebrii left over from another killing of the Grand Red Dragon raid boss, just to keep the place tidy.

I skipped across to Cariae-5, logging in as Barbarienne, my level 100 archer, and took up an invitation Zen had offered earlier to add myself to her Friends List, so had another little chat.  She is gradually getting used to the Last Chaos skills and gameplay again after her months away; I was able to warn her about the "send error message?" problem with switching directly from a mount to a non-mounted pet, and also able to have a brief browse of a Cariae merchant display or two.  Boy does the stuff look expensive, after Auzura prices...

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