Thursday, 12 March 2009

A Small Remedy

SirDarth and SirPerivale both started pet levelling after breakfast, and generally continued that was all morning and all afternoon, since I had stuff to do away from the computer... I get these "busy weeks" every month or so, culminating in a "busy weekend", which ends with me only managing to start up the computer at about seven in the evening on Sunday.

So, SirDarth got the drake up to level 23, which is about all we could ask, as the idea is to let MrChuckNorris have a better level of pet to supply a bit of attack and defence passive buffs.  After the evening food break Darth traded the drake across to Chuck, who passed over his pony, which had just reached level 14 - so that is Darth's next project.

It was strange, though, in recent days Darth, with his +5 Radiant armour set and shield, has been okay to fight a Berserker even with only four or five levels of "Armour Increase" from a pet, but today with 21 levels of it, meaning he should have been in absolutely no danger, I noticed that the Berserker had got Darth's health bar down to about a third.  I used his own five-minute "Divine Shield" buff, and that allowed his health to regenerate and get him out of danger, but it really shouldn't have happened.

In the late evening, with the pony just giving 13 levels of the Armour Increase buff, I did notice a tendency for his health to decline, again.  If the new patch/expansion has changed monster attack or a character's defence or health regeneration, that could be a problem for pet levellers; even SirPerivale's health bar, with all 30 levels of Armour Increase (though only +3 armour and shield), did fluctuate a little.

Anyway, after Chuck and Darth had made their trade, Kaerella disposed of her recent loot to the appropriate storage characters, and then used a Scroll of Memorizing to beam out to the Poison Mists, after checking to see if Aeria had solved the "Send Error Message?" crash we were getting yesterday when switching directly from a mount to a different pet.  I switched just outside Randol, and got the message, so that crash bug is still active.

Apparently an unscheduled downtime last night enabled Aeria to sort out the "Merchant House" mass disconnections, and disconnects from the "Cube" system too, at least.  Hopefully this mount/pet thing will get resolved soon.

Kae used a platinum blessed iris and a platinum adrenaline again, and added 58.32%, plus 43 skill points, which took her up to level 38, so a trip back to town was called for to get the two new attack skills,  Arrow of Silence and Slow Shot. Both do extra damage; also, Arrow of Silence disables the target's attack skills for ten seconds, if it hits, while Slow Shot halves their movement speed for the same length of time.  There are a couple of passive skills, Mind Training and Survival Training, that I have enough levels for, but they require stat points in Constitution, and I won't have enough spare points for them until levels 41 and 43, respectively.

A second hour added another 52.66% and 45 skill points; with a little bit of fighting after the boosts ran out, the evening's total was 114.33%, so Kaerella is nearly three-quarters of the way through level 38 now.  And her drake, SirFrancis, levelled up too, and is now level 26.

Ratel was on for a while, after taking rather a long time, on his limited connection, to download the new patch, but left fairly early, after temporarily promoting Kae to guild master in case JadaMarie reached level 25 in Prokion Temple and needed her experience frozen.  She did get to over 90% I think, but then headed out to farm the sand golems near Shuraine's oasis.  Kae only got Kamira's appearance once today, but Jada got visited by her twice out there, though she couldn't find anyone who wanted to try to kill her.

By the end of the day Ratel's horse was about two-thirds of the way through level 34, and gobbling up quality stones at an alarming rate.  Darth got the pony more than halfway through level 14, but it looks as if he may need to move back to the Butchers next time, or he could end up dead.  But if death is on the agenda, I'd rather it was the Butchers who are on the receiving end, rather than my favourite knight.

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