Sunday, 1 November 2009

Evening Adventures

Both Galahad and RedRackham pet-levelled through the night - Gal's new pony gained ten levels, reaching 17, so became a horse, though not of course a mount yet, in record time, with the double pet experience still working. And at approaching half past six in the morning, I had to shut off both computers, and head out into London for the day.

As expected it was a little after seven in the evening when I logged in again; RedRackham returned to the Berserkers with his drake on Cariae, while over on Katar Kaerella logged in, and managed to spend an hour over in Prokion Temple. After starting with a few Orc Fighters and Orc Soldiers, I moved to the spot next to the "corridor room" which has three Orc Axemen at the top of a short ramp, and proceeded to keep them respawning. As they were a level above Kae, they did drop a few empty baskets, to add to her stock of those - and by the time the Quiz was getting close, Kae had added 41.20% and 137 skill points. So, back in town, she was able to get the top level of Cure Poison and a few other minor things.

On the feeling that I do have lots and lots of heaven stones on Auzura and Cariae, it was Katar's Kaerella who went to the Quiz, along with my level 17 knight there ColonelScarlet. I joined the rest of the online DarkzerRoughneks in Katar-2, and I think most of us survived to the end. It seemed to me that the questions were coming more swiftly than usual, with shorter breaks between them, but there were none of the really difficult ones, and Kae and the Colonel both got their full rewards of tool aids, moonstones and heaven stones.

There was scheduled, going by the Events page, to be the usual "Zombie Invasion" on Auzura-2, so my local rogue Rage headed out that way, only to find nothing at all happening. I think it must have happened on Auzura-3 instead, but any announcements made were either before I logged in to that server, or drowned out by gold-spammers in Randol.

So, Katar-Kae had a few minutes to check out a special PvP event at the Dratan arena, watching from the spectator area. It was total chaos, badly organised and ineffectually run, with people above the level 16-38 range (you had to be within that range to participate) rushing around killing people. The people in the event were supposed to be sitting down, but some just didn't, while the higher level people just shouldn't have been there - what happened later I can't begin to speculate, as the announcement for the Katar "Zombie Invasion" came up, to be held on Katar-5 - and not Katar-2 as the website said.

A group of us, led by LordDarkzer, headed off there. It certainly made a pleasant change not to be vulnerable to pk-ers. By exercising her natural caution Kae avoided being killed, and went up by just 4.18%. It was a bit laggy; LordDarkzer got poisoned, and ran for safety, with me following to try to heal her - she then lagged, or logged, out, which would be sensible with the sort of poison effect the Ancient Screaming Zombies give. Afterwards just about everyone seemed to wait around, expecting drops, but I learned later that the drops had been made mid-fight, out of range of where we were fighting. Even if we'd known about them it would have been too dangerous to go to that area.

The Cariae version came next, so Barbarienne hurried out on Cariae-3, very happy not to be vulnerable to pk-ing this time. I got invited to a party eventually, as did a level 90 cleric, DutchAngel, who did very useful work, keeping me alive when I found myself tanking an Ancient Screaming Zombie a couple of times. We had a level 3 titan, titandude11111, in the party too, and he ended up on level 16, which was pretty good going, though I don't know what he'll do about skill points.

Once we'd finished the third wave we stood around for five minutes at least, before Kali gave us a bonus wave of zombies - and the Hands at the same time. So I was fighting a Screaming Zombie, while my reindeer-horse pet was grabbing the loot. There was still some loot left when the Zombie was dead, so I grabbed what I could, but I don't think I got a huge amount of good stuff. After the last of the zombies were killed, it was just about 10:30, so the event was over - GM Kali would have moved on to the next server.

After that, Galahad and his horse moved across to the newer computer, and RedRackham and his drake logged onto the older one. The double pet experience was still running, though tomorrow we should go down to just 50% extra experience and skill exp, which will seem a bit mundane after our recent bonuses. Red's drake is nearing the top of level 36 now, so that is very nearly enough; Gal's horse soon went up another level, and by log-out time was well into level 19, which can't be bad.

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