Wednesday, 25 November 2009

RedRyder Goes Through the Levels

The main Mad Monster Spawns did have to be cancelled last night, I noticed, which must have been a bit annoying; the maintenance patch has apparently got rid of a few bugs, and also stopped those newly-liberated items from being traded once again, though there is a vague commitment to looking at the situation and perhaps making some of them officially trade-friendly.

RedRackham and ColonelScarlet were both able to start up their pet-levelling at breakfast time - and Red was able to log out just before coffee, with his task completed and the horse on level 37, ready for mounting. The Colonel continued his work on Katar, however, moving steadily through level 33.

Once RedRackham had logged off, MistressDomino was able to settle in for some merchanting in Katar-1's Randol, and, thanks to a couple of sales of a few heaven stones at 1.85 million each, plus item drop boosters at 950k, large attack potions at 450k, and even a moonstone box at 69.5k, she managed to take in over 27 million gold, restoring our fortunes on the Katar server. Before setting up, she found someone selling a +3 rogue level 25/27 armour set at just 20k per piece, and a level 25 +3 crossbow at 30k, so bought those, on the feeling that RedRyder would eventually be glad of them. And after the merchant stint, I noticed that LIVIA had put the price of her remaining pssps up to 3.5 million, so I was glad I'd bought as many as I could afford from her at 3.

The afternoon session didn't start very early, unless you count some afk mining, but it was long enough for Kaerella to spend another hour using a pssp in the Katar-4 Prokion Temple back room. Again I avoided killing any OrcSergeants, concentrating on the Orc Axemen and a lone Orc Soldier that was tempted into the room. 25.54% was the experience gain, along with 1045 pet points and 384 skill points, so there ought to be two more hour-long sessions in level 28.

For the evening, it seemed like a change of pace to work on my new Katar rogue, RedRyder, and by the time I had to log out, as usual for a Wednesday rather earlier than normal, she had moved up from level 7 to level 15. Kaerella had been enlisted as her guardian for the apprenticeship system, and ColonelScarlet, whose horse reached level 34 at around 6:15pm, recruited her into the Discipline guild, though he hasn't set her experience gain to 50% yet. Oh, and MistressDomino passed over the 25/27 armour set and crossbow, as well as half a million in gold for a few luxuries. Not that Red went overboard with a big spending spree, she is still wearing the level 1 "Novice" shoes, and the level 6 pants and shirt. When she reached level 15 she replaced the level 1 gloves with a pair of level 20 ones she bought from the armour trader, and she has level 21 shirt and pants ready for the next time she levels up - but the only item that is plussed at all is her level 12 Stern Hood +2, which was dropped by the wandering zombies in Velpist Temple. Red did buy a level 13 crossbow, and later replaced it with a level 17 one.

In Katar-1 and with Elizabeth's Enhancement buff working, Red started with a few more goes for the quest for Merchant Geres, gathering jaguar teeth, and then when level 11 was reached and she was too high for that any more, she headed for Velpist Temple, stopping off at the Mad Monster Spawn spot to get that location onto her scroll. In Velpist Temple she started off over on the right with the wandering zombies, before switching to the straight-ahead option, going upstairs to the old familiar room with the ancient zombies and the berserk zombies - and the red-named skeleton soldiers, which are best avoided at her level.

RedRyder's evening ended with the trip out to Prokion Temple through the Dratan desert. I see that a bug with the map still hasn't been fixed, you can't change the percentage of zoom-in, only the size of the central area of map you can see, so it's just as well I know the direction to take for that trip. In Prokion Temple Red was able to kill a few ghouls, and even a mummy or two, which may still be orange-named at level 19, but move into the attack nice and slowly.

There hadn't been the usual "Storm the Castle" website publicity and event details today, so I assumed that, with Thanksgiving approaching in the USA, they weren't bothering - but as ten approached there were a couple of announcements in-game, and I see that the paragraph had been belatedly added to the November calendar. I don't know if the early Auzura one actually took place, but the others seem to have run. I was just able to log Barbarienne in and teleport down to Merac Castle on Cariae-4 at about 10:05pm, UK time, and things were under way, but it was obvious that GM Kali was just pushing a few buttons and going through the motions, not interacting or listening, and there can't have been more than a couple of dozen people there, already fighting cube guards and assassin quanians plus a few cave spirits. And the number of course included people from level 20 to 40 or so, as well as those who could make a more useful contribution.

I guess the lack of advance publicity, and the knowledge from last week that the event was now impossibly hard and dangerous, had taken its toll - by the time the rote "Out of time - Good Try, Guys!" announcement came up, I don't think more than 10% of the monsters had been killed, we hadn't progressed past the gateway into the inner courtyard, which, given the lack of high-level fighters, was probably just as well. I'd passed more people, definitely of higher levels, at the Randol arena on the way to the teleporter.

We stayed and fought a few more cube guards of the type that bounce up and down frenziedly, and a couple of assassin quanians, but after that, I made my excuses and left - those guys tended to miss me most of the time when I ended up tanking them, but when they did hit, they hit hard. I don't think the gold I picked up covered the cost of the health pots I had to use, but at least Barbarienne went up by 0.06%, and a skill point. Yesterday's adventure in the Tomb saw her add 0.69% and 8 skill points, plus 2715 pet points, which were enough to get Barb's reindeer pet into level 38.

ColonelScarlet had been making steady progress at pet-levelling all evening, so that the pet horse passed 40% of the way through level 34 by the end of the evening. Once this pale blue horse reaches level 37, it will go across to Kaerella, and the white horse will move to MistressDomina. And then RedRyder will be wanting a mount too, I guess...

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