Thursday, 7 October 2010

More Mummies, and Three Spear Men

I wasn't able to do any actual playing in the morning, but after breakfast I had MistressDomina transfer her recent armour and accessory drops across to CaptainScarlet, since he has room for such things, and then some other loot across to MistressDomino. And then CaptainScarlet and RedRackham headed for Maargadum Jail on Auzura-4 together, the first time I've tried that. Lacking the level 35 passive skill, CaptainScarlet doesn't have quite as good physical defence stats as Red, but, at least with an armour buff from his pet, he can stand up to the attacks of a level 44 death mask lancer easily enough.

Having the two knights arriving together meant that the death mask soldier that was by the entrance could be killed in half the time - and then CaptainScarlet took the lancer nearest the door, and RedRackham moved along to the second one. As the Discipline guild's new member, the rogue LostSpeed, did log on at one stage, Discipline actually had three people online at the same time. LostSpeed has moved up from level 5 to 12, I see, contributing her first 22 guild points.

The only interruption was when someone in the forum shoutbox asked me to help them transfer a new hatchling across from their knight to their night shadow - they'd wondered why the ns couldn't get the pet quest from Lorraine, and I'd had to tell them that the quest was only open to characters from level 1 to 100, so they'd had to do it on their knight instead. So, RedRackham briefly logged out, and my level 10 mage on Tairen, Enchantra, logged in to take the pet from the knight, and trade it across to the night shadow. Usually these things take a while, but the knight was right there waiting when I arrived, and the night shadow quickly appeared, so it only took a minute - and then Enchantra was able to log back out, and Red was able to get back online, and return to that second death mask lancer in Maargadum Jail.

For the afternoon, MistressDomina headed for the Tomb of Theos on Auzura-4 again, and the ancient grey mummies. There was just time for three hours, but, helped along by the occasional boost from the new ignition system, MD used 74 skill point boosters in the first hour, going up by 1.04% and adding 411 skill points, as well as 1055 pet points for her drake. The second hour saw 75 boosters used, for 0.90%, 416 skill points, and 1073 pet points - and the third hour brought in another 427 skill points from 77 boosters, plus 0.80% and 1064 pet points.

MistressDomina stayed in the Tomb room over the early evening food break and, seeing that the room was not being used by anyone else, started a fourth hour after that, with another 78 boosters used to gain her 433 skill points, along with 1070 pet points and 1.51% experience, as a "happy hour" with double experience and skill exp began fairly soon, replacing the just-expiring dungeon time. It's a pity that the extra skill exp didn't stack with the platinum super skill pill and so on. A little extra experience is no problem, as I'm sure I'll be asking SacSalop to "unfreeze" MD's experience gain before the end of level 103.

The room did get a little busier, but I did a fifth and final hour, using a further 80 boosters, the most I've ever managed in a single hour, which meant that I got 444 skill points, as well as 1.66% experience and 1054 pet points. And that seemed to be enough of the ancient grey mummies for one day; I'm certainly getting pretty good value from the week-long "giant skill pill" that I started on Monday.

Twisted guildie WolfDC, a level 109 night shadow, was asking for people to join him in a combat party while he did some levelling on the anubis spear men, so I volunteered to do that, and got recalled across to where he, Dropkick, TheGuildmaster, and Witchwish were. I logged CaptainScarlet out on the older computer, and logged Kaerella in, and she joined the party too, and was Recalled into the Tomb. She equipped her polar bear cub - which safely added about 14% in the hour or so we spent there.

I think the columned corridor we were in must have been deeper into the Tomb than the usual one, as instead of many sphinx fighters, it had anubis archers accompanying the anubis spear men. TheGuildmaster lured in groups of archers etc for Wolfie to use his area of effect skills on. As neither WolfDC nor TheGuildmaster did much picking up of loot, MD tended to nip out from the safe area to pick up the gold (after all, the game is short of gold at the moment, we don't want to leave it there to fade away - gold picked up is shared equally throughout all party members who are in range), and occasionally got caught by an archer's Dark Arrow skill, stopping her from moving for 25 seconds.

One thing that was interesting was that, even though Kaerella and MistressDomina weren't fighting, we still got "ignition", and almost as quickly as if it was either of us doing the fighting. When the hour had ended and the party was disbanding, MD had reached the top of its second level, and, rather than waste it, managed to kill three spear men rather speedily, and an archer too. A terra spear doing 92k damage gets rid of such opposition rather quickly.

So, that was a fairly quiet hour to wind down with. Kaerella got 0.73% and 8 skill points, while MistressDomina added 0.47% and 10 skill points, plus 34 pet points at the end. In all today MD added 6.38%, 5375 pet points...and 2141 skill points. MD's total number of unused skill points isn't at an all-time high yet, as far as I can see her maximum so far was 27,286 at level 45, before she started spending more on skills than she was earning - but another couple of hours with the ancient grey mummies should take her above that figure. The trick is to know how much further to go after that.

MistressDomina teleported back to town, and transferred some loot to MistressDomino, and another thirteen pieces of unidentified level 97 armour across to CaptainScarlet. Then RedRackham logged in, so that he and the Captain could return to Maargadum Jail's fifth floor for a little more pet-levelling. It wasn't long before the Captain's drake reached level 27 - and by the end of the evening, Red's drake was more than two-thirds of the way through level 40.

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