Saturday, 23 October 2010

The "R" Word

You have to hand it to the Last Chaos game masters; the problem with the Auzura server was a bit of a drama, but they managed to turn it into a full-blown crisis. After encouraging everyone to have a busy day grinding on Auzura yesterday, Friday, they finally decided that they did, after all, need to do a full roll-back - to early Wednesday morning. So, all the work on Friday was lost, and a whole lot more. MistressSabina lost her 22.67% (plus 118 skill points and 3702 pet points) session with the giants yesterday, and of course Kaerella lost the rare accessory and other goodies that Kamira dropped; SirGalahad must have lost a session or two; and RedRackham's drake, which he'd managed to get into level 44, was back to the start of level 42...and those are looong levels! Rage's trip to the "Storm the Castle" event on Auzura must never have happened either, but then, [GM]Darasuum didn't provide much loot there...

To add insult to injury, when the GMs decided that there were so many people with missing inventories and storage, and problems with Roy's merchant mart, that they had to face reality and do a rollback, they started things off in a particularly ham-fisted way. Apparently there were announcements and warnings on the Auzura server itself, but the other servers were brought down briefly as well, with no warning at all except for a flippant and insulting "Bye" a split second before they hit the switch. This happened just at 3:00pm PDT, 11:00pm UK time, or perhaps a minute or two after - just as the dungeon time hour was beginning, and a few seconds after a large number of people on the Cariae, Sarissa, Hatzring, Katar and Tairen servers had clicked on a variety of expensive pots, pills and potions for a "power hour". Personally, I was just about to log Kaerella and RedRydeR off anyway, but it must have been a bit annoying for Fartimaeus, who would have had to log back in and pay to get into the Tomb again.

And what apology and recompense do Auzura players get? Just another couple of days of double experience and skill exp, without even double pet experience. The rollback doesn't solve the problems with item mall purchases, so that side of things is being done manually.

With the Auzura debacle, and the product manager team off in South Korea to try and reason with the Barunson development team about the game's future, it is perhaps not surprising that there are no special tiered leveller offers, or similar, this weekend.

So, MistresSabina went back out to the giants to repeat her session from yesterday; it took some hours, but at last she had added 23.69%, 123 skill points, and 1857 pet points - or, to look at it another way, she was up by 1.02% and 5 skill points, and down by 1845 pet points. Kamira did drop by once, to give Kaerella the usual moonstones, tool aids, and so on, but there was no rare accessory this time. The action in the forum shoutbox kept things from being too boring, at least, and a similar number to last time of level 61 weapons dropped, to boost Sabina's store of gold back to roughly where it had been.

SirGalahad managed to fit in one trip to Prokion Temple before the early evening food break; he too had some ground to make up, from the rollback, and managed to earn 211 skill points while getting to just over 99% of level 23. Then back in Randol he was able to learn 211 skill points worth of special skills again - and go out to the first degraded golien commander in Ebony Mine to die 34 times, to get back to the start of his level once more.

Tuffsen had been in the shoutbox, so I was able to get a lift from her for Kaerella and RedRydeR, after the break, over on Cariae-4, to the ancient grey mummies. She didn't continue fighting very long after I arrived, though her character, BadFairy, did stand in the corner for much of the evening - she went off to mend someone's laptop, I think.

The room was pretty quiet through the evening, probably helped by the castle siege being on, which stops new people entering the Tomb, unless they are Recalled in. The titan BRA1N was also in the room throughout the evening, but just stood there afk. A couple of people did a power-level, or an aided level, in the corridor, but generally Kae and Red had the place to themselves. Helped along by the dungeon time hour, and a couple of hours of "Turbo" giving 50% extra experience, Kaerella ended the evening up by 4.60% and 4479 pet points, while RedRydeR added 9.75% and 5916 pet points; they each gained 38 skill points.

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