Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Two Tombs

After yesterday's variety, today was rather more basic. Auzura's RedRackham and SirPerivale went out pet-levelling in Maargadum Jail before breakfast, with Red on floor five with his death mask lancer and Peri in the entrance hall with his spike canine.

I managed to fit in two hours of skill point farming for MistressDomina before lunch, while SirPerivale provided the solo party. Initially I was trying to fit in an hour before the danger time of about five past eleven, when disconnections seem more likely, but once I'd done the one hour, I decided to go for a second one, as I could just about fit it in before lunch if I dashed downstairs a couple of times. Luckily, there wasn't a disconnection.

The ancient grey zombies room on Auzura-4 was relatively quiet, with just Talea there; she greeted me with a "huhu". Again MD went flat out, using her three mage-type buffs, and by the end of the hour had managed to use 73 skill point boosters, adding 0.76% and 405 skill points. During the second hour the total was down to 70 boosters, due to some brief expeditions to get lunch started, but with the dungeon time running for most of it, 1.07% experience was gained, plus 388 skill points.

Twisted guildie ||Moonlight|| was asking if someone had a guild her new rogue could join to have their experience gain frozen to 50%, so I offered to let her join Discipline - so just before lunch MistressSabina logged on, accepted her application, locked her experience gain, and logged out again - so Discipline ought to have a fairly active member for a while, and a few more guild points coming in. After that I restarted the game on the older computer, and SirPerivale, who is on the same account as Sabina, returned to Maargadum Jail.

Four more hours got crammed into the afternoon session, which is not something I can manage regularly. The room did get a little busier; I was mainly sharing it with an assassin called CriTiCaL, but things did get a bit tight when the night shadow LegendOfSky joined us - Swenja was out in the corridor again. The first of the four hours saw MD use 71 boosters, for 0.74% and 394 skill points; 72 boosters, 1.08%, and 399 skill points took us through the two to three o'clock dungeon time hour, and after that I actually managed to use 74 skill point boosters, for 0.77% and 410 skill points, and finally 73, 0.80%, and another 405 skill points.

So, that was pretty good sp-farming; over the six hours MistressDomina added 5.22%, 2401 skill points, and 6449 pet points, using 433 skill point boosters. Six lots of the usual pots were used; MD is using the cheaper small crit pots now, rather than the large ones, and with her new accessory they seem just as effective. I'd made a quick trip to Strayana before heading for the Tomb of Theos (on 100% easy again), and restocked on medium mana potions, which was just as well, as MistressDomina got through 269 of those, roughly 45 per hour, as well as six of the greatest mana recovery potions per hour.

After the food break, SirPerivale's pet-levelling session ended, with the drake well into level 21, only just below Peri's own level. So, it seemed a good idea to transfer the drake across to CaptainScarlet, another Auzura knight of mine designed to be a pet-leveller. He's not as useful as RedRackham as he is only level 32, not 35, but at least he can be online at the same time as MistressDomina.

A "Happy Hour" with double experience and skill exp started at six in the evening, UK time; after the four-hour session I was running a little late, but managed to make use of most of it. Sadly it only lasted until about 8:15pm, as it was split in two, with the second two hours or so not starting until after my bedtime. I logged Barbarienne in to check what the Tomb of Theos was like on Cariae-4 - it was set to 90%, so Keerella joined her, they made a combat party, they went in - and they headed for the ancient grey mummies.

The room wasn't being used by anyone when I arrived, but a night shadow called Angenoir turned up before long. As Barb and Kee weren't using potions or any other aids, there were plenty of mummies to go around, and my duo managed to get a few skill points each. As the mummies are blue-named to her, Barbarienne didn't equip her drake, as it wouldn't have gained any pet points - towards the end of the session, though, I thought I'd see how SkrappY, my Scra-Chi pet, would get on there, so traded him across from Kee to Barb. SkrappY didn't seem to bother to do any fighting, probably because he hadn't got a weapon equipped, but he did gain experience from not just Barb's kills, but Kee's as well, so if there are further team-ups like that one, I'll know to have him involved from the start.

With some time off to work on the blog, it wasn't exactly a hectic session, but Barbarienne added 3.71%, and Keerella, killing a lot more slowly, added 2.59%; they each gained 47 skill points. SkrappY added 1.55% in level 54, and Greedo. Kee's drake, added 2374 pet points, in level 52. The room did get at least slightly busy towards the end, with a little bit of power-levelling, a mage and a specialist sorcerer helping an archer guildie of theirs.

Yesterday's unscheduled maintenance was just to do with the item mall and the general billing mechanics, and started rather later, in the end, than expected, as the GMs had to wait for the billing department to be ready - so that must have messed up the afternoon and evening playing a bit for people on US time zones. Tonight of course we have the regular weekly maintenance, which may, or may not, bring in all sorts of new content. We are probably a week or two too early for the Halloween event to begin, but the newly-revamped guardian system will certainly be worth exploring, when that gets sorted out.

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