The usual gang of characters had their half hours online in the morning, and after that I was able to send RedRackham down to the fifth floor of Maargadum Jail again, for a little pet-levelling. This time he didn't manage to sneak past the death mask soldier nearest to the entrance, and it took him rather a long time to kill it, as with a "maximum red" name, even with his +10 sword equipped his regular hit does around 42 to 48 damage there. Still, he eventually got 308 gold for his trouble.
The main part of the afternoon saw Barbarienne and Keerella head for the Tomb of Theos on Cariae-4, where to my relief the place's "condition" seemed reasonable. Kee just stood in the corner of the anubis spear man room, with my Scra-Chi pet SkrappY equipped, while Barbarienne did two "power hours" using platinum adrenaline, berserker, and crit potions, plus a pbi per hour and experience boosters. We started about half an hour before the "dungeon time" hour of 50% extra experience, so Barb's two hours were both roughly half-and-half; I had the room to myself until just after the boosted hour began, when a royal knight called DuBlade arrived. He joined the combat party, which was useful, but left once the "dungeon time" was over.
In the first hour, Barbarienne went up by 18.00%, using 49 experience boosters, and in the second hour, another 15.45% was earned, using just 40 boosters - it's a mystery to me why there was such a big change to Barb's killing speed, but presumably the "condition" of the place changed a little. Keerella just added 0.81%, but she and Barb each gained 6 skill points - and Barb's drake got 2122 pet points.
There was still half an hour or so left before the food break, so MistressDomina and Kaerella headed out, not to the Tomb, but to the nearby grasslands on Auzura-4, just to see how well fighting the wafes there would level the polar bear cub. With MD fighting and Kae just tagging along, it was simple enough work to do, and the cub did add 22.24% experience. And after that little session ended, RedRackham headed for floor five of Maargadum Jail on Auzura-4, and the death mask lancer by the door there, though once again he did have to fight a death mask soldier first.
After the break, Kaerella on Katar went to Maargadum Jail, arriving there before the next "dungeon time" began, and staying for its first 50 minutes. The two-headed canines, and other monsters on the second floor, provided her with 31.85% experience, enough to get her into level 41, plus 77 skill points, and 636 pet points. But she had to leave before the hour was up - so that MistressSabina could have her two-hour session over on Auzura-4 slotted in between the end of that "dungeon time" hour and the start of the next one.
MistressSabina formed a solo party with RedRackham; there had been a knight on floor three when he had run through earlier, but luckily the beast flyers were free now, and, on Auzura-4, I didn't have any visitors. MistressSabina used two pssps, platinum super skill pills, and, while adding 9.38% experience, and getting exactly 2000 pet points, earned another 271 skill points. It was all fairly hectic work, unlike the much more laid-back approach one takes when fighting anubis spear men when every kill takes more than a minute. Here, I was killing about seven beast flyers per minute.
Once the two hour slot was over, Kaerella on Katar returned, to make use of all but the first few minutes of the new "dungeon time" - adding 31.66% more experience, 76 skill points, and 631 pet points. Back in Randol afterwards, as she now had enough stat points in dexterity, Kaerella was able to spend 293 skill points on all five available levels of Slow Shot, which for ten seconds halves a monster's movement speed - and hits with 310% power too. It ought to be useful if Kae goes out to visit the outdoor sphinx fighters and sphinx "speer" men, though it's rather a "poor relation" of the mage skill Curse, which may not slow down stuff quite as much, but lasts ten times as long.
RedRackham had continued his pet-levelling efforts - he used rather a lot of quality stones, but got the drake past the halfway mark in level 40. Once it levels up, it will become rather too greedy, so that will probably be as far as that particular drake goes.
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