The usual characters got their half hours online in the morning, and I added SirKit to the line-up, in the hope that I'll be able to complete his armour set before too long. Chuck was able to buff a couple of junior players, and MistressDomina broke off from farming herb leaves, since she has been getting through them rather quickly lately, to give horse buffs to a low-level knight.
MistressDomina on Auzura went into merchant mode for an hour or so before and during the lunch break, after I'd checked on the current prices, but didn't sell very much, as that is hardly a peak time of day. The best sellers early on were the item drop boosters, but I didn't have many of those available. Luckily, later somebody bought a hundred skill point boosters, which made the total taken in, at around 180 million, rather more respectable.
Just after she logged in, Keerella had a newly arrived titan called Letmium asking for help, so Kee led him to Healer Yabo for quests and Bianca for storage, and gave him some minor potions, a couple of rings, and some gold. I suppose I ought to have suggested he went to Cariae-5 rather than Cariae-4, I must mention the Elizabeth's Enhancement buff if I run into him again...
And then it was time for Barbarienne and Keerella to make another trip out to the Tomb of Theos on Cariae-4. The first anubis spear man room was in use, so I went on a few yards into the corridor, and settled in at the first corner. It was 18 minutes before the two to three o'clock "dungeon time" when Barbarienne started her pots; 14 anubis spear men were killed before the 50% boost started, and in all 57 experience boosters were used in the first hour; gaining 23.51% took Barbarienne safely into level 109.
Reaching level 109 meant that Barbarienne could equip her new bow, and the change in attack between a level 85 one and a level 109 one was pretty marked - instead of a critical hit of around 6930 damage, now it went up to about 8700, with her physical offence stat moving from 2085 to 2553. Luckily nobody was fighting just around the next corner of the corridor, as the two closest anubis spear men were no longer quite enough, sometimes Barb would kill one before the other had respawned and have to move forward and attack the next spear man along.
The second hour saw another 18 spear men killed before "dungeon time" ended after 18 minutes, and a further 46 in the rest of the time, so that another 21.59% was added. In all, then, across the two hours Barbarienne gained 45.10% while using 121 experience boosters. Her drake gained 2091 pet points. Keerella just got 0.96% from being in the combat party, but 4.19% was enough to get her cartoon cat-like Scra-Chi pet, SkrappY, into its 54th level. And Barb and Kee each added 6 skill points.
Barbarienne levelling up means that, until Keerella too levels up, they won't be able to form a combat party, so it may be a little while before Barb can try for level 110. I don't particularly want to do a "power hour" with Kee, though it would be easy enough for her to level up on those anubis spear men...she wants skill points as well as experience, so will do best to take it at a natural pace.
RedRackham traded the level 41 drake across to MistressBlaze in exchange for her level 39 one, so that she now has 25 levels of physical defence (for 200 extra) and 15 levels of magical attack (15 extra); he then set off for the fifth floor of Maargadum Jail, and did some pet-levelling over the early evening food break.
He would have continued there longer, but when MistressSabina, in a solo party with him, arrived at the beast flyers on floor three, just as the "dungeon time" was ending, the place was in use again - by the same knight as last time I think, Draconer. As he wasn't using any pots, I don't really see why he is in Auzura-4 away from the Elizabeth's Enhancement buff, but hopefully he will level up and move on to another spot before too long.
So, it was "plan B" again, with MistressDomina, Kaerella and the polar bear cub going to the Tomb of Theos on Auzura-5 to join some familiar faces there in the never-ending battle against the screaming zombies. There weren't any annoyed or just plain naughty people luring in huge mobs tonight, so things went pretty well, though as usual there were quite a few times when I had to use Terra Spear to attract the attention of a screamie which was intent on killing someone of a rather low level.
It was perhaps just as well that MistressSabina hadn't been able to battle the beast flyers, as the "Happy Hour" started just then, and was announced as double experience and skill experience. That wouldn't have been very convenient for Sabina, but for MD and Kae it was fine. For a part of the session the level 85 sorcerer LittleDrugzz joined our party, so we made it a combat one, but later on he moved further in, so we were able to go back to the equal type.
We had to leave slightly earlier than usual, but MistressDomina had, thanks to the Happy Hour and the "dungeon time", added 10.87%, while Kaerella was up by 11.40%. They had each gained 12 skill points; MD's drake had earned 2484 pet points, and Kae's poly was up by 44.04%.
Ratel had been in touch, and we both decided that it was time for MistressDomina to join him in the Twisted guild (with a future possibility of Rage joining too) - so once the "dungeon time" ended, at nine, MD and Kae left the Tomb on Auzura-5, and moved across to Auzura-4, where one of the Twisted guild advisers would pick her up in a party, recall her to him, and allow her to apply to join. It got slightly complicated by Ratel thinking that Kaerella was a guild adviser in Norcaine, and could thus kick MD from the guild, when in fact it was MD who held that post - so he had to switch across to Elvastar, as guild master for Norcaine, and both kick MD and promote Kae.
MistressDomina registered for a party, as instructed, and was picked up by Dropkick, a Twisted guild adviser. Where would the party recall take me - the furthest reaches of the Tomb perhaps, or an exotic part of Strayana...or maybe dangerously high in Lust Trum tower in Egeha? Actually, Dropkick was just standing in the middle of Dratan City. As soon as Elvastar had kicked her from Norcaine, MD applied to join Twisted, and was accepted. Maybe today's title would be more accurate as "Twisted Gets MistressDomina", but where's the fun in that? It is a level 11 guild, so has room for plenty of members, and I think about a dozen must have been online - the text in the message box was all purple, suddenly, and moving pretty fast. It will be strange to be in an active guild again; I didn't contribute much in the way of conversation, beyond a response that spanking was extra, and only said goodnight to Ratel and Dropkick in the party.
I did attempt to set MistressDomino, my Auzura merchant, up to sell some more items, but when I went to click to actually go into merchant mode, after choosing all the items and the prices, nothing happened. I moved towards the arena, in case it was some local area effect, but that part of town was strangely deserted...and just as I was coming to realise what had happened, the "disconnected" window popped up. Ah well, a slightly downbeat way to end a fairly important day, but if you're going to get a disconnection, then just standing around in town is the best place for it.
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