Friday, 6 August 2010

Two Tombs For Kaerella

The usual characters logged in for their attendance allowance this morning, after which RedRackham logged in for some pet-levelling - and to provide a solo party for MistressSabina, while she farmed a little more in Maargadum Jail on Auzura-5.

The outing was much as usual; I did stop at the back of the ground/first floor to deal with the big mob of assorted canines that had followed me, using Flame Storm, which hits the target canine and up to five others close by, which gave some quick loot and experience, but I'd not want to keep doing that after the horse buffs ran out.

As usual for the morning, it wasn't a hugely long session, but it did move MistressSabina along by 13.19%, and restore 64 skill points, as well as getting 683 pet points for her drake. She will need a couple more sessions like that to get back over the 10k mark for unused sp - by which time she'll have reached level 44, when 338 more skill points can be used, for level one of Epidemic and the first five levels of Fallen Stat.

Over lunch, RedRackham continued his work, getting the drake into level 37, which meant that its hunger bar down goes down twice as fast. He was about a sixth of the way through the level when he logged out - so that MistressDomina, my Auzura archer Kaerella, and the polar bear cub could log in.

The afternoon session in the Tomb of Theos went pretty smoothly, I don't think I ever had to have Kaerella unequip the poly because of any approaching zombies. MistressDomina generally managed to keep her helpers alive, since Terra Spear does tend to get a screaming zombie's attention. It didn't always manage that trick with an archer, Kialine, but then zombies do like healers almost as much as they like mages...and she was tougher than the average assistant, going from level 50 to 52 during the session.

By the time I had to leave everyone to it, the polar bear cub had reached level twenty, adding 139.21%; I've still not allocated any stat points, or attempted to give him any skills, since he generally stays back and doesn't do anything, with this set-up. In the combat party, Kaerella added 4.81%, while MistressDomina earned 16.07%, with her drake getting 2092 pet points. And they each got 4 skill points.

The evening was set to have double pet experience running from six o'clock, UK time, so I decided I ought to have two characters actively fighting, with pets equipped... and it seemed like time that my Cariae cleric Kaerella and my phoenix rogue RedRydeR had an outing. So, off they went, in an equal party, to the Tomb of Theos, this time on Cariae-4... which, as it doesn't have the Elizabeth's Enhancement buff available, tends to be a lot quieter than the fifth subserver.

Sure enough, RedRydeR and Kaerella had the place to themselves, just about, until the last half hour when a group of three people in the same guild, and a couple of others, turned up. The titan, jerker, must have been pretty high level, as he gathered big groups of zombies to fight...though he tended to rest for a while between groups to recover. Before that, it was just, generally, a few people running on through to head deeper into the Tomb.

Kaerella and RedRydeR each used three of the level 61-90 type platinum blessed irises, and continued on for about half an hour after the third had ended, so it was a good long session, with the forum shoutbox helping to keep things interesting. Someone called Auirlord came on in search of Aszune, one of the regulars, who was off grinding at the time, swearing that he wanted a guild battle with her at "Merac Tower", with the loser leaving Last Chaos for good. "Operation Deathstryke has been initiated"... He seemed convinced that Aszune was an ex-gamesage, and that freeing his server from the yoke of the oppressive guild Vendetta was his mission in life.

Both Kaerella and RedRydeR levelled up, reaching level 89; as Kae was slightly ahead, she went up by 105.17%, while Red added 105.49%. Since Red usually lured the zombies, and thus took more shots at them, his drake added 5941 pet points, while SirFrancis, Kae's drake, just added 4215 pet points. And they each earned 10 skill points.

After that, RedRackham quickly logged in to get some of the double pet experience, and his drake was soon a third of the way through level 37. And that concluded the excitement for the day, though I should mention that someone did post a brief quote from an old blog post here, in the shoutbox. I commented that it could be interesting sometimes to do a Google search for one's name...

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