I logged RedRackham in rather early to do some pet-levelling, as I'd woken up early, but the pet experience was back to normal, the GMs had actually remembered to switch it off last night, so once the new day officially started, at 8:00am UK time, RedRackham logged out, and the various characters started to earn their daily attendance allowances.
Aeria's money man and the Last Chaos chancellor, Exchequer, hadn't announced any tiered spender event for this weekend, I discovered. His special page just told us what "BOGO" offers to expect, and also mentioned that the premium packages were on a "50% rebate" deal for the weekend. The only problem was that the rebated packages weren't visible on the website, something I was discussing soon after nine on the shoutbox with Tuffsen and sstrippz. And then at about 9:25, UK time, the items miraculously appeared, which at least cut down on the number of people visiting the shoutbox to enquire about them.
MistressSabina managed a visit to Maargadum Jail after coffee; it was relatively quiet, on the second floor, so 15.20% experience was gained, along with 71 skill points and 804 pet points. I also kept an eye on the forum shoutbox, though it continued to be rather quiet.
For the afternoon, I did something I've not done for a while, as I reckoned that Saturday afternoon, or early Saturday morning for the US, ought to be a relatively quiet time in the Tomb of Theos. My level 106 archer Barbarienne teamed up, in a combat party, with my level 98 wizard Keerella, and they headed for the Tomb on Cariae-4.
Barb and Kee headed for the main Anubis Spear Man room, and found, luckily, that there was space for us - the wizard TIGERLADY was using the two spear men over on the far side, so I had the other two to myself. And so, we settled in; as previously, Barbarienne used crit and adrenaline pots, plus a platinum blessed iris and experience boosters, to fight the spear men, while, mainly there to provide the combat party boost and clear up any sphinx fighters that got too close, Kee kept busy, without pots, on the sphinx fighters. TIGERLADY wasn't active for all that long, and went to stand in the corner with a "be back later"; before long the level 106 titan SamueL arrived, and took over that side, joining our combat party.
SamueL did stay to the end of our three-hour session, but was away for the last twenty minutes or so, getting some ice cream for their youngster. My pair stayed around in the corner for a while after we'd finished, to provide the combat party boost when he returned to action, but in the end, when I came upstairs to check, he had had a disconnection, and new people were fighting there who didn't need a combat party - so Barb and Kee logged out, and RedRackham logged on for a little pet-levelling.
During the first of the three hours, Barbarienne had added 11.28% while using 36 experience boosters; hour two added 11.96%, for 38 boosters; and the third hour gave Barb a further 14.08%, from 44 boosters, I don't know why things appear to have speeded up then, but sometimes the "Condition" of the place can change a little. So, that meant Barbarienne added 37.32% experience, along with 13 skill points and 3001 pet points, which were enough to get her drake into level 45. Keerella, without any outlay on ap items, added just 2.92%, plus 14 skill points and 2876 pet points.
So that was a pretty good three-hour session - another similar one ought to get Barbarienne into level 107, which would allow her to wear her new boots, and pass her old level 87 +15 pair over to Kaerella.
Talking of Kaerella, after the food break, with RedRackham providing the solo party, my Auzura-based level 88 archer of that name went off to Egeha, somewhere I've not visited for a while, to see what quests were available, and indeed which could be done - which certainly makes a change from grinding away in the Tomb, or in Maargadum Jail or Prokion Temple. There were messages to deliver, and azers to fight, and, in the first floor or two of Lust Trum Tower, wights and wight flairs to battle.
The day's main event, four hours of "Turbo", had started at seven in the evening, UK time - at least, we assumed it had, there was no announcement about it, and what it actually was had remained a mystery. We knew it was just a "Happy Hour" kind of deal...but as people were in combat parties and with pots running, it was hard to know what it was. I'd reached Lust Trum Tower by then, so was able to say, after checking the details for a wight on the Wet Paint wiki, that if I was getting 4 million experience instead of 2.6, taking the 10% attendance bonus into account it had to be 50% extra experience... and the skill exp seemed similarly increased.
It was interesting to check a quest reward, and see that while the skill point reward was up 50%, from four to six, the experience reward was boosted by 10% for the attendance bonus, and also by 50% for the Turbo, so those two things do stack together nicely. Kaerella's total experience gain from the adventure was just 13.16%. but 43 skill points were gained as well. It was certainly a great change of pace to get away from the grinding, and ride about doing quests and fighting different monsters, like the azers, little scorpionmantises, boucu demons, and even a skinwalker, though as ever killing that one took ages. And I will need to kill a few more for a couple of quests...
After that there was time for a visit to the Tomb of Theos on Auzura-5, for MistressDomina and Kaerella - probably less than ninety minutes. The extra experience and skill exp were still running, though, so things moved along nicely. For a while we added WhyYouDontAsk, a level 92 night shadow, to the combat party. He told us the attack power of some of the NS skills - rather impressive, and more than MD's terra spear, which does just under 30k damage. He advised me that MD really ought to look out for a "casting" helm, which speeds up the rate at which skills recover and can be reused. When I have enough gold for such things, I probably should investigate.
By the time MistressDomina and Kaerella left, MD had added 10.54%, which got her into level 91, plus 7 skill points and 1290 pet points. Kae added another 1.52%, along with 6 skill points, and the polar bear cub added 130.48%, allowing him to reach level 22. Hmm, maybe there was 50% extra pet experience, too? That never seems to register with horses and drakes, but perhaps the newer pets do benefit from such a boost.
RedRackham logged back in with his drake, anyway, for the final part of the evening, and it soon reached level 38.
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