There was another early start for SirDarth, working to level up his new pony, but he did have to take some time off later in the morning, while some exchanges between some of my other characters took place. By then though a couple of levels had already been added, however - and as the day progressed, the pony became a horse, ending up in the evening well into level 18.
Kaerella settled down to do the crafting of the rogue level 51 Fatal Shirt and Fatal Pants, which meant standing close to Scroll Trader Gerel, and buying lots of his Quality Stone Manuals, Green Herb Leaf Scrolls, and Gamma Wave Energy Manuals - to get together all the ingredients for the shirt and pants would have needed 30, 55 and 30 respectively if it wasn't for the failure rate even at the top level of the processing skills, as it was 33, 68 and 35 were needed, which meant I got through 198 quality stones, 204 green herb leaves, and 70 gamma wave energies. It's lucky that the individual manuals and scrolls only cost 100 gold each, as costs were starting to mount up.
As previously mentioned, there is a risk of failure with the actual crafting of the items, and my first attempt, to make the Fatal Shirt, was a failure, with the prepared materials vanishing, but the manual for them remaining - but luckily the Fatal Pants did appear safely in Kae's inventory. Still, that meant a further trip into the countryside with tool aids to get more stones, herbs and energies, and another processing session, using 18, 45 and 30 (when no failures would have meant 15, 30 and 20) more manuals and scrolls, and 108 more quality stones, 136 more green herb leaves, and 60 more gamma wave energies.
MrChuckNorris contributed some gamma wave energies that he'd got from Easter Eggs, so it was good to have found a use for those; his items from the Eggs yesterday had included 10 of the energies three times, 50 gold six times, 10 herb trunks, a magic stone accessory, 500 gold, and two drops that were new to me - a Large Chocolate, as seen during the Valentine's Event, and 25,000 gold. MistressDomino did manage to sell four Eggs yesterday too, at the reduced price of 450,000 gold.
Anyway, the ingredients for the Fatal Shirt were ready again: 15 black diamonds, 20 imperfect earth crystals, 15 cotton fabrics, and 15 good quality tinctures. With fingers crossed, the shirt manual was clicked open, and the "okay" button pressed - and this time, thankfully, the shirt was successfully crafted.
The shirt and pants were traded across to Rage, along with the necessary lucky smelting stones and chaos smelting stones. It took Rage 13 heaven stones to get the shirt, pants and boots (bought yesterday) up to +3, which wasn't bad - 9 successes out of 13. Adding the other stones got the whole set up to +8. I must say the new armour set does look very smart; Rage can only wear those gloves so far, but wearing the whole set will increase her physical defence to 990, or when she has her pet horse equipped, with 16 levels of Armour Increase. 1125.
Well, it was a lot of expenditure and effort to get this complete set, but it means that, in due course, my other characters will be able to use it too, after Rage has moved on up to another set of armour.
The afternoon session started slightly late, but I managed to fit in two hour-long pssps for MrChuckNorris in Prokion Temple, without any interruptions - gaining 612 skill points in the first hour, and 620 in the second, so Chuck's attacks seem to have been more vigorous than yesterday. He did, however, need to use the health recovery potions, and the occasional small health potion. His total skill point gain for the session was 1237, along with 2075 pet points, which were easily enough to get his drake to level 30.
Chuck's Easter Eggs were a pretty good selection; the ten included 50 gold times four and 500 gold times three, along with a platinum harvest booster, a heaven stone, and a "greatest experience potion", as offered in the Item Mall for 495 aeria points. But then it was time for the food break, once I'd set up Rage to harvest some more herbs.
xXAcheronXx suggested that we should team up at the Sphinx Fighters, but seemed to be changing his mind a lot. He rather rashly attempted to upgrade his armour from +3 using a heaven stone, and broke a vital part, which really upset him. There was a trip to Maargadum Jail involved too, and he also mentioned having a pet-leveller character who'd nearly got a horse to level 31.
Rage went to the Sphinx types, but didn't stay long, as the mention of Maargadum Jail reminded me that Rage had a quest there, to collect ten Beast Hearts from Beast Archers, Beast Scythes, and Beast Flyers. So Rage rode there, gave herself the horse buffs, and ran down to level two. It took a while to get all the Hearts, but she visited level three as well, though not going into the central area. A guard character on level two gave her a quest too, while Great Magician Minearm gave her a follow-up when she took back the Hearts, so a ride out to Rau, and on round to Magician Kihan in Owl Village, followed. I think the three quests between them added 1.69% experience, but it makes a change...
Another change was taking my level 10 merchant mage, MistressDomino (not to be confused with MistressDomina) out of Randol to earn a few skill points, to enable her to start up the "Discipline" guild on Auzura...somehow that name seems to go pretty well with the mage costumes! She did pretty well just fighting Berserk Wolves and a few Jaguars, picking up two pan flutes, three tool aids, a Hand of Bravery and a Hand of the Guard, and a moonstone box, and is still comfortably inside level 10 - I don't want her to go above that at the moment, in case she needs to take Kae as her guardian and swiftly level up to 20, to earn the mage event weapon. She did get one Easter Egg as a drop - as she was already carrying two of them, those both had to be opened, revealing another platinum booster, and a cake, before the new one could be picked up.
After that, and some shop browsing, well, Rage went back to the Sphinx Fighters for a while; there was nobody around to party with, just a low-level mage being assisted by a higher-level guildie. It was hardly a marathon session, and by the end the total experience gain was just 20.51%, plus 13 skill points from Maargadum, and 667 pet points. Still, it's all progress, moving us in the right direction.
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