Sunday, 5 April 2009

A Team-Up in the Temple

There was actually a spawning of masses of Pandora Beasts late last night, and Kaerella did leap back into the saddle to help deal with them.  The ones in Merac, however, were just level 30 or level 50, so blue-named for Kae, and thus didn't give much in the way of experience, and only small amounts of gold.    A brief trip to Dratan didn't discover any more Beasts - I think that killing the Elite Speer Man and a couple of his friends while I was out there added a lot more experience than the rest of the endeavour combined, but 0.27% experience and 15 pet points do get added to the tally.

It was approaching midnight when SirDarth's horse reached level 17, but I set him up with a Berserker after getting him that latest level of Armour Increase, and he was doing okay - at least, until a disconnection.  I reconnected him, but he got another one not too long after, so really only got around half a full night's work done.  Still, it meant the horse reached level 19 by the time SirPerivale logged on this morning and started work on his pony.

When Peri got to the Butcher spot, there was a level 50 Pandora beast prowling around nearby, of the type released from the boxes - so Darth logged out briefly to allow Kaerella to ride down and deal with it.  It was worth the effort, as it dropped 112,800 gold, which is quite a useful sum.

Browsing around Auzura-1's merchants I'd seen a level 57 +15 titan axe for sale for 70 million, and been rather tempted, on the feeling that one ought to be able to resell it for at least 20 million more.  When BasheR came online while Kae was doing some mining I mentioned it, and he went and bought it, I'm surprised it was still there.  When I mentioned the possibility of a "finder's fee" he just chuckled.  He reported that reinstalling Last Chaos had, indeed, cured his mouse-click problem, which is a relief.  And just before lunch, he reported that he'd sold the axe for 88 million.

After lunch, well, Optimusprime invited me to a rather unsuccessful trip to the Tomb, but at least I didn't have to pay to get in as somebody had Recall.  Fighting the Anubis types worked okay while we had a mage in the party - but at level 78 she "capped" me, so I got less experience there than I would have with the level 63 and 64 types outside.  When she left we were a bit outclassed down there, and after a few near misses and runnings-about I did finally die - and used my resurrection scroll to respawn at the start of the dungeon, rather than try to continue there.  After that, well, a couple of Screaming Zombies got despatched, but it was a Combat Party, so since I was healing rather than firing my bow most of the time, I didn't get all that much experience.  ManosGR then asked for my help in healing while he did a couple solo, which I did while not in a party.  BasheR arrived after that, but he and ManosGR headed down to the Anubis area again, where I wouldn't really be able to follow, so I finally logged out, after only getting 1.79% experience and 111 pet points.

It was time for my rogue Rage to finally leave the defunct CONFLICT guild, so I deleted the character and then cancelled the deletion, so that she is now guildless, and then headed for Prokion Temple, now without the experience freeze that couldn't have been removed if I'd stayed in the guild.  It was a pretty productive time on the upper floor in that first Orc Axeman and Orc Sergeant room, though at times they did seem to hit unusually hard, and once my health got very dangerously low as I dashed to safety in a corner.

At about a quarter to four there was a mass disconnection - and Rage was about the first person to respawn in a deserted Randol.  Rather than go back to Prokion for just a few minutes, I rode out to Juno's Treants for a change, which, since they did drop a heaven stone, was a good idea.  The whole session meant that Rage had reached level 28, going up in all by 125.87% and gaining 244 skill points, plus 1024 pet points, which got her faithful horse up to level 23.

After the food break, Rage's campaign continued, starting off in the first Orc Sergeant room just off the entrance hallway.  Jacqueline came online, and, as Rage is on her Friends List, got in contact; I asked her to re-freeze MistressDomina's experience, so she switched over to Ratel - and rather than switch back, he decided to come out as his knight and join me in Prokion Temple.

Ratel found that my favourite upstairs back room was empty, so invited me to join him there, and we suitably dominated the Orc Axemen and Orc Sergeants there. though we both had the "run out of memory" error at different times - mine gave me the chance to get Rage's level 30 skills and opt to become a Ranger, which is the crossbow-using type of rogue, as opposed to the dagger-wielding Assassin.  Ratel is a little over half a level ahead of me at the moment - he reached level 32, and was able to get some of the newly-available Temple Knight skills.  That's the shield-using, protective kind of knight, as opposed to the dual sword wielding Royal Knight.  Ratel, however, doesn't have a large number of skill points saved for future use, he plans to take things as they come.

It was great to be able to team up like that; we made it a combat party, so that while loot and skill points were shared, our experience was boosted by the other's presence.  We got our main experience from our own kills, but got some from our companion's, too.  Ratel kindly kept me buffed with Divine Shield, so that the Orcs were generally unable to harm me - earlier I had been using a few health potions.

I think there was a boost to experience even before the Sunday teatime was announced as being 50% extra experience for a couple of hours; certainly, Rage's experience gain of 434.14% in total seems pretty good, even for Proki.  She did get the benefit of the Blessed Rewards, with their chance of extra experience, skill exp etc, until she hit level 31... she ended up with 337 more skill points than she started the day with, and that was after spending 207 sp to learn Invisibility (you are invisible, unless you attack, for 35 seconds) and 238 sp to learn Detect Weakness (increases hit rate by 15).  Her pet horse added 4472 pet points in all.

And then it was time for the Quiz; as both Auzura-1 and Auzura-3 were flagged up as "congested", I took Ratel's advice and arranged for Kaerella and MistressDomino to join him in Auzura-2, though its past record has been a bit dodgy, Quiz-wise, with a mass disconnection during the very first Auzura one, and another week a dc shortly before the Quiz that re-locked the door to the Quiz room.  This time, though, we were fine.  A number of the top Vendetta guild people, including CorNut, were there, and before we started there were three of four Games Masters too, showing their uber level armour.  I don't think they stayed around to win themselves some tool aids, moonstones, and heaven stones though.

The questions were the usual ones, so we did okay.  Ratel sold at least some of his afterwards - it was slightly annoying that he sold to SrDias when he was saying "buying hs 800k", and then a minute later he increased his buying price to the whole one million, but 700-800k does seem the more usual price people are starting to offer after the Quiz.  Ratel was able to return two million in gold he'd borrowed a while back to help him buy his current armour, something I'd completely forgotten about.

So, while Kaerella is really waiting for some more power levelling sessions with BasheR, it looks as if my rogue will get the chance to move up a few levels.  I've never taken a rogue this far before, so it should be fun.

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