Rage spent some time attempting to lure Kamira to the Poison Mists again in the second half of the morning, but to no avail, though, in her times on the various sub-servers, she did manage to add 9.49% experience, 28 skill points, and 455 pet points, which were enough to get her horse to level 28. I think BasheR did get to rendezvous with Kamira elsewhere though, he has quite a network of Kammy-lurers now.
SirDarth had started on the horse-levelling pretty early, as usual, and was proceeding through level 31, when I decided that this was a good chance to boost the buff Rage gets from her pet - so Darth and Rage exchanged horses, directly after Rage's had levelled up, so that Darth's campaign got a little bit of a setback, going to level 28 instead of 31 - but with his extra armour rating now he can easily manage that with a Berserker.
After lunch, since BasheR seemed to be working fine without me, it seemed like a good idea to let MrChuckNorris have the main afternoon slot, so he headed out to Prokion Temple, after linking up in a solo party with SirDarth - who was already linked to Ratel, who had recently logged on.
Chuck made for the upstairs back room, only to find it already occupied - by Ratel! He, however, welcomed his visitor, and we exchanged buffs, Divine Shield and Battle Roar. As Ratty at level 32 doesn't have his experience frozen, we made the party a "combat" one, so that he'd get a slight extra experience boost, and set to work. Ratel didn't stay the whole afternoon, though, as his young son wanted to play some rugby with him in the garden. Kids, eh?
An archer called GreenHealer did barge straight in and start killing the orcs with me after Ratel left, and my impression was that she must have had a pretty powerful weapon, as we often had to pause and wait for a respawn... she didn't think that was a reason to go away and leave me in peace, though. Luckily it was coming towards the end of my session, so as soon as Chuck's drake levelled up to 27, I beamed out.
Chuck may have an unusual problem, in that his drake could get too high-level; Chuck will be frozen on level 27 for a while, for skill exp farming, but his drake could get ahead of him. The drake will give more attack or defence buffs, true, but if he goes above level 28, he is going to start getting through the quality stones twice as fast. We must see how it goes - maybe Chuck will start a new pony, and Darth will get to level up a dragon for a change. Anyway, the session added 1827 pet points...and, thanks to those good old Blessed Rewards, 465 skill points, so Chuck is now perhaps a fifth of the way through the sp-farming stage.
Darkmager had asked Rage to join him at the Sphinx Fighters, but timed it wrong, as that was just as lunchtime was approaching - and by the time I was properly back at the keyboard, he'd gone offline.
Just to keep in practice, Kaerella had a very short session with the Sphinx types herself, mainly the Elite Speer Man, though as she is close to his level now, she only gets 0.10% per kill. And who should be out there but GreenHealer, with a couple of other people. I don't think her English was very good, as what seemed to be general questions about Kae's character build and accessories apparently led her to think I could sell her some accessories. She is level 35, which explains why she was getting through the orcs so quickly earlier.
After Kae had got 3.50%, 7 skill points, and 234 pet points, she left, and Rage took over. Darkmager got in touch to suggest we met out with the Sphinx Fighters in ten minutes - I was on time, but he was about ten minutes late, which at least gave me a chance to watch what other people were doing. It is mainly bow-users, either archers or rangers, who go there, but there was a witch in action, for a change. It was while I was standing around that I got the "RAGE has been chosen by the gods" announcement, and a light-effect similar to levelling up - the gift of ten moonstones duly appeared in my inventory.
Darkmager and I teamed up fairly successfully, taking our time, and I didn't die at all, though he managed to once. Sometimes one just ends up with two or more Sphinx Fighters and Speer Men out for blood, and sometimes they get it, though I was pretty wary. He's the tank, after all, not me.
We got him to his next level, by which time he was getting pretty sleepy, so he logged off for the night. Level 38 should mean some new skills for him - though if he is following the Wet Paint LC Wiki's stat point guide, he won't have the 17 Dexterity points needed for the rather useful (for me) buff Fire Command until he reaches level 47.
Another rogue called WhiteMessiah2 then offered to team up with me after that, which seemed a good idea to me; she was level 42, so three levels ahead of me. She asked what my weapon was, and I rather apologetically said that it was still the level 37 one, but at least it was +15 - and she said that hers was 21 +12, which seemed a bit strange. I hope she meant 41 +12...
She was suitably envious of my hit rate - I showed her my Eyes of Spirit accessory, with its 168 addition to long range physical hit rate, mentioning that I only half-owned it. Her pet horse was three levels ahead of mine, and she had a truly enormous number of skill points in reserve, 27558 - just over 85% more than Rage is carrying.
We made a good team, with her taking the lead, since she is higher level. Generally if her Snare didn't work, mine would, so while we had the occasional scare with extra Fighters coming in on us, or spawning at inconvenient times, nobody died, and we managed to defeat the Elite Speer Man a few times. Eventually it was time for me to log out, though; WhiteMessiah2 added me to her Friends List, which after a successful team-up like that seems good to me.
Rage's evening session didn't add any skill points, but another 48.68% experience was good to get, bringing the day's total up to 58.17%, along with 1225 pet points for 1680 in all.
It was convenient that Rage logged out then, as SirDarth got a disconnection soon after that - though a clean break like that probably wouldn't have left us standing at the mercy of the monsters and dying. When Darth logged back in the GM announcement came up "Mad Monster Spawn on Auzura is now over! Sorry I crashed the server again :'( " Darth went back to his patient Berserker; he has reclaimed a fair part of the pet experience lost in the switch of horses with Rage, so that his new horse is around halfway through level 29...or will be, by the time I switch off the computer.
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