Actually, Darth's horse managed to reach level 19 before he logged off last night, and, despite a disconnection just after breakfast, got to level 20 by mid-morning. By the end of the day, he was well into level 23.
MistressDomino did some merchanting in the morning, as I was busy elsewhere and so not able to do anything active - from the speed with which they sold, I suppose 1.75 million was a bit low as a price for heaven stones now. A rogue called XxSmokeMachinexX wanted to do a special deal on the chaos balls I'd got on offer. I'd wanted 1.45 million each, she offered 1.00, I suggested 1.25, she accepted... only to decide that she couldn't afford that much cash, so I ended up selling 100 at 1.10 million each, which seems a bit low, but does help the finances here.
Other than those early sales, things were a bit slow for a while, until someone bought all 163 skill experience boosters at 695,000 gold each. SmokeMachine had offered 12 million for the 100 large defence potions, using the "friends list" chat messenger, but I'd been away from the keyboard and not responded - and then someone else came along and paid the full 14.5 million. The solo Easter Egg and an item drop booster found buyers soon after that, and there were a few other minor sales before the end of the afternoon.
Checking on Darth, I found that the Berserker he was battling was down to about one-third health, which is rather unusual, I can only suppose that someone else attacked him for a while and gave up, though usually a Berserker will turn his attention to a new attacker, and chase after them while Darth chases after him. The Berserker's health did gradually recover.
I'd been busy all day, and in fact I wasn't even able to start the evening session as early as usual, but eventually MrChuckNorris was able to log on, and head for Prokion Temple. I had slight misgivings that the place might be busier in the evening, usually I take Chuck there in the afternoon, but my favourite room was clear, so I started a platinum super skill pill, and set to work. Unfortunately a few minutes before it ended, another titan charged into the room and began fighting there, which did slightly decrease Chuck's kill rate; 586 skill points in that hour is reasonable, though.
I got the impression that he didn't know much English, so it wouldn't have been any use complaining that it is rude to charge into a room which someone else is using, especially if they are using an expensive item like a pssp. It's something I normally avoid doing, unless the occupant is someone who has previously done that to me.
Still, with that titan also active, it didn't seem a good idea to start a second pssp - and by the time he left, there wasn't enough time remaining to fit in the whole hour a pssp needs. So, the whole session just added 766 skill points, though of course I still have the pssp I would have used in my inventory, for Chuck, or MistressDomina, to use at some future time.
Soon I'll have to decide if Chuck has enough skill points to be able to unfreeze his experience and start levelling up - those Poison Mists out in Dratan Desert are waiting, and who knows, maybe Kamira will drop by there. I suppose in theory I ought to take the level 102 skill into account, but if you go all the way to the level 134 ones, then more than three times my current total would be needed, around 43,000 sp... oh, and the little matter of 3,896,000,000 in gold!
The Easter Eggs weren't particularly generous this evening; the properties of the "green stone" accessory I got from one will remain a mystery until I next log on, but are unlikely to be very special, plus I got 50 gold three times, 500 gold, 10 herb trunks twice, 10 gamma wave energy, and a tool aid. Chuck did get a heaven stone as a normal drop, though - he is gradually building up a small supply of them of his own in storage.
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